OPENING (INVITATION ONLY) National Anthem “Indonesia Raya” Welcoming Remarks : Opening Ceremony : H.E. Jusuf Kalla, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
Break & Press Conference
INSPIRE PLENARY: High Level Talkshow H.E. Asman Abnur, Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform[Download PDF] Host: Desi Anwar, CNN Indonesia |
INSPIRE PLENARY: Regional Disparity and Its Context Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning and Head of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF] Host: Nina Sardjunani, Team Leader, Sustainable Development Goals National Secretariat, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
INSPIRE I: Narrowing the Gaps at the Periphery Ari Waluyo, CEO and Co-Founder, Sehati Tele-CTG[Download PDF] Host: |
Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
INSPIRE II: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best? Wahyu Utomo, Deputy for Coordination of Infrastructure Acceleration and Regional Development, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF] Host: Oktorialdi, Director of Regional and Strategic Area Development, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 3 (Level 2)
INSPIRE III: Unlocking the Potential of the Digital Economy for Regional Development Prof. Mari Elka Pangestu, Professor of International Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia[Download PDF] Host: Petrarca Karetji, Team Leader, Knowledge Sector Initiative |
Ballroom 5 (Level 2)
INSPIRE IV: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes Astera Primanto Bhakti, Director General for Fiscal Balance, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF] Host: Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, Senior Adviser to the Minister for Economic and Financing Synergies, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara Ballroom 1 (Lower Ground)
INSPIRE V: Connecting the Archipelago Leonard V.H. Tampubolon, Deputy Minister for the Economy, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF] Host: Ikhwan Hakim, Director of Transportation, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)
INSPIRE VI: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity Indah Putri Indriani, Regent of North Luwu, South Sulawesi[Download PDF] Host: Asep Suryahadi, Director, The SMERU Research Institute |
Mutiara 6 & 7 (Level 2)
INSPIRE VII: Innovations in Local Governance and Development H. Najmul Akhyar, Regent of North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara[Download PDF] Host: R. Aryawan Soetiarso Poetro, Director of Regional Autonomy, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara 2 & 3 (Level 2)
IMAGINE I: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes Virda Dimas Ekaputra, President Director, PT. Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB)[Download PDF] Host: Ikhsan Modjo, Technical Advisor for Innovative Financing, UNDP Indonesia |
Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
IMAGINE II: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best? Sanny Iskandar, Chairperson, Indonesian Industrial Estates Association[Download PDF] Host: Bambang Prijambodo, Senior Adviser to the Minister for Development of Priority Sectors and Infrastructure, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 3 (Level 2)
IMAGINE III: Narrowing the Gaps at the Periphery Samsul Widodo, Director General for Underdeveloped Regions, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF] Host: Sumedi Andono Mulyo, Director of Underdeveloped Regions, Transmigration and Villages, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 5 (Level 2)
IMAGINE IV: Unlocking the Potential of the Digital Economy for Regional Development Khoon Tee Tan, Partner, McKinsey & Company Indonesia Host: Leonardo Adypurnama Alias Teguh Sambodo, Director of Industry, Tourism, and Creative Economy, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara Ballroom 1 (Lower Ground)
IMAGINE V: Innovations in Local Governance and Development Slamet Soedarsono, Deputy Minister for Politic, Law, Defense and Security, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia Host: Anna Winoto, Team Leader, KOMPAK |
Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)
IMAGINE VI: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity Eka T.P. Simanjuntak, Executive Director, Yayasan Nusantara Sejati Host: Tri Dewi Virgiyanti, Director of Urban Affairs, Housing and Settlements, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara 6 & 7 (Level 2)
IMAGINE VII: Connecting the Archipelago Prof. Suyono Dikun, Chair, Indonesian Transportation Society[Download PDF] Host: Rachmat Mardiana, Director of Energy, Telecommunication and Information Technology, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara 2 & 3 (Level 2)
Grand Mutiara 1 & 2 (Lower Ground)
TALKSHOW AND ART PERFORMANCE Talkshow: Subandi, Deputy Minister for Development of Human Resources, Communities, and Culture, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia Host: M. Abduh Aziz, Director, State Film Production Company and Chairperson of the Board, Indonesian Arts Coalition |
Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)
SPECIAL SESSION I: Reducing Disparity by Optimising the Role of Culture in Eastern Indonesia Hilmar Farid, Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF] Host: Amich Alhumami, Director of Higher Education, Science and Technology, and Culture of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
SPECIAL SESSION II: Disability, Policy and Services: Regional Disparities in the Indonesian and Australian Experience (AIDRAN) Dina Afrianty, Research Fellow, La Trobe University, Australia[Download PDF] Host: Vivi Yulaswati, Director of Poverty Alleviation and Social Welfare of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 3 (Level 2)
IMAGINE CfP SESSION I: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best? Goldy Fariz Dharmawan, the SMERU Research Institute[Download PDF] Host: Oktorialdi, Director of Regional and Strategic Area Development of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 5 (Level 2)
IMAGINE CfP SESSION II: Narrowing the Gaps at the Periphery Silvia Landa, Alumni Association of America-Indonesia Scholarship Programs (ALPHA-I)[Download PDF] Host: Rizang Wrihatnolo, Director of System and Reporting of Development Monitoring, Evaluation and Control of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara Ballroom 1 (Lower Ground)
IMAGINE CfP SESSION III: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity Erfan Agus Munif, Office for Early Childhood and Community Education (BPPAUD dan DIKMAS) of East Java[Download PDF] Host: Maliki, Director of Population Planning and Social Protection of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)
IMAGINE CfP SESSION IV: Unlocking the Potential of the Digital Economy for Regional Development Nika Pranata, Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)[Download PDF] Host: Diastika Rahwidiati, Deputy Head of Office, Pulse Lab Jakarta |
Mutiara 6 & 7 (Level 2)
IMAGINE CfP SESSION VII: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes Alhamidi, Sumatera Institute of Technology[Download PDF] Host: Erwin Ariadarma, Senior Public Sector Management Specialist, World Bank Indonesia |
Mutiara 2 & 3 (Level 2)
INNOVATE: MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS AND INNOVATIONS SPOT A: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best? Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Durian Merah Banyuwangi, keberhasilan sektor pertanian tanaman holtikultura dan pemanfaatan peningkatan kunjungan wisata untuk mewujudkan pusat pertumbuhan baru di kawasan Pesanggrahan. PPP as a Financing Scheme for Supporting Infrastructure in Special Economic Zones[Download PDF] Ekonomi Kerakyatan Berbasis PRO-SUER[Download PDF] Rumah Sanur: An Innovative Model for Creating Community-centred Growth Centres SPOT B: Narrowing The Gaps at the Periphery Optimization of Sea Border Area Development Based on Geo-tourism Planning in Jemaja Island, Riau Islands Province[Download PDF] KELAPA DALAM: Yang Dulu Terabaikan, Kini Mensejahterakan (Pilot Project Pengolahan Kelapa Dalam Di Kabupaten Sarmi)[Download PDF] Study of Community Empowerment Pilot Project Based on Local Customs for Underdeveloped Village in Border Papua[Download PDF] Aplikasi Geospasial ARK[Download PDF] SPOT C: Narrowing The Gaps at the Periphery Gerakan Patungan Listrik Puskesmas : Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer di DTPK (Daerah Terpencil, Perbatasan, dan Kepulauan) Berbasis Crowdfunding dan Kemitraan Lintas Sektor[Download PDF] Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE) Fund Upaya Mengurangi Kesenjangan Daerah Tertinggal dan Perbatasan dalam memperkuat Daya Saing Usaha Mikro,Kecil & Menengah (UMKM)[Download PDF] Augustine Merriska, Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS) SPOT D: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity Citizen Voice and Action: Improving Basic Services through Social Accountability Approach[Download PDF] Local Public Goods, Regional Income Inequality, and Social Diversity in Indonesia[Download PDF] Potensi Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomi dan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Aplikasi Daring[Download PDF] Public Services Performance on Education, Health and Infrastructure During Fiscal Decentralization Era[Download PDF] SPOT E: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity Malaria elimination by 2020[Download PDF] Birth certificates in remote villages implemented within 7 days through cooperation with midwives (Banyuwangi)[Download PDF] Saving the lives of mothers and babies: improving access to essential health services in Maluku and North Maluku Pencerah Nusantara: Reformasi Layanan Kesehatan Publik dari Pinggiran[Download PDF] SPOT F: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity Kewirausahaan Sanitasi Berbasis Minat dalam Memenuhi kebutuhan dan Menciptakan Keberlanjutan Akses Sanitasi untuk Masyarakat Pedesaan di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat[Download PDF] Penguatan kapasitas operator layanan air limbah domestik melalui wastewater operator partnership dalam kerangka FORKALIM[Download PDF] Water for Women[Download PDF] Accelerating progress towards open defecation free communities: a STBM success story SPOT G: Unlocking the Potential of Digital Economy for Regional Development Farmers Empowerment - Activity Based Ecosystem[Download PDF] Relieving Legal Access Disparity Through Digital Economy[Download PDF] Online trading platform for B2B buyer, so businesses can directly buy commodities from fishermen Assessing impact of digital innovation in rural agriculture: A case study on TaniGroup[Download PDF] SPOT H: Connecting the Archipelago Connecting the Western Part of Indonesia: Social and Ecological Implications of Trans Mentawai Development Program[Download PDF] Behavior Control and Goods-Transportation Planning for Better Economy[Download PDF] Developing Dry Port in North Sulawesi Province to Reduce Transport Cost from/to Bitung Port[Download PDF] SPOT I: Innovations in Local Governance and Development What makes innovation in the public sector so challenging?[Download PDF] Your innovations (didn't) make me happy: The role of popular governors and mayors on regional welfare[Download PDF] Co-Creation Platform as an Accelerator on SDGs Implementation: an Idea for the Execution of SDGs Action Plan in Indonesia, Case Study: Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung Province[Download PDF] Community-Based Tourism Development in Ujungpangkah Sub district as Gresik Government Effort in Enhancing the Rural Areas Potencies[Download PDF] SPOT J: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes Performance based grants for sub-national roads maintenance[Download PDF] Improved village budget allocations for basic services and social inclusion in Pemalang through women’s groups (selapanan) advocacy[Download PDF] Cooperation between local governments and the private sector, using CSR funding to implement additional requests resulting out of Village Plans that cannot be covered by the government (Muara Enim).[Download PDF] Evaluation of village fund program: An evaluation of government program to optimise development resources[Download PDF] SPOT K: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes Analisis Kebijakan Insentif Fiskal Terhadap Ketimpangan Regional[Download PDF] The Application of Availability Payment Scheme to the Village Funds Programme[Download PDF] Mengembangkan Kewirausahaan Berbasis Kampung[Download PDF] Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Hibah Air Minum Perkotaan[Download PDF] SPOT L: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes Promoting Gender Equality and Civil Society Engagement in Private-Public Partnership (PPP) and Private Sector Engagement (PSE) to Address Development Disparity.[Download PDF] Menelusuri Aliran Belanja Desa[Download PDF] Dynamic Programming Approach for Optimizing The Effectiveness of Fund Expenditure with The Advantage of Open Government Partnership[Download PDF] Local Government Collaboration with the Private Sector for Local Economic Growth[Download PDF] |
Foyer Assembly Hall
Grand Mutiara 1 & 2 (Lower Ground)
INNOVATE: MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS AND INNOVATIONS SPOT A: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best? Are Wealthy Regions Also Entrepreneurial? The Case of Indonesia[Download PDF] Program Pengembangan UMKM Kontekstual via Studi Ethnography dan Pemahaman Crowd[Download PDF] Dukuh Penaban Tourism Village[Download PDF] SPOT B: Narrowing The Gaps at the Periphery Regional Poverty Clock[Download PDF] #SmallActionForBigSmile Noken Papua[Download PDF] Memajukan Indonesia dari Pinggiran dengan Memaksimalkan Dampak Dana Desa SPOT C: Narrowing The Gaps at the Periphery Didi Diarsa, Code Margonda Social Corporate Lawyers Society (Socolas) Climate resilience in South Central Timor Regency, Kupang Regency and Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara[Download PDF] SPOT D: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity BOSDA Buku Bacaan yang Sesuai Minat Anak: Kebijakan Lokal untuk Solusi Nasional[Download PDF] SPOT E: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity Civil Society Engagement grants with PRIM[Download PDF] SPOT F: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity Indonesia Muda Bersuara [Indonesia's Youth Speak][Download PDF] SPOT G: Unlocking the Potential of Digital Economy for Regional Development Inovasi Keperantaraan Pasar bagi Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kabupaten Pacitan[Download PDF] SPOT H: Innovations in Local Governance and Development The promise of Behavioural Insights to Tackle Development Issues and shaping public policies in Indonesia[Download PDF] SPOT I: Innovations in Local Governance and Development Pro-Poor Planning and Budgeting (SEPAKAT 2.0) SPOT J: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes Performance Based Grants in the water sector[Download PDF] |
Foyer Assembly Hall
Grand Mutiara 1 & 2 (Lower Ground)
SPOT K and L: Addressing Disparities in Education Quality in Indonesia Indonesia: Who Learns What in Basic Education? Producing Quality Teachers: A Look Inside Indonesia’s Teacher Education and Training Systems Indonesia’s Experience in Employing and Deploying Teachers: Lessons in Good Practice Daniel Suryadarma, Deputy Team Leader, Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE) Programme, The SMERU Research Institute[Download PDF] Localizing Solutions to Address Education Quality: Lessons from Belu, East Nusa Tenggara Empowering Communities and Linking Teachers’ Pay with Performance for Better Student Outcomes |
Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)
SPECIAL SESSION III: Policy in Practice for Reducing Regional Disparity Alfonso Vegara, Founder and Honorary President, Fundacion Metropoli[Download PDF] Host: Diani Sadia Wati, Senior Adviser to the Minister for Institutional Relations, National Development Planning Agency |
Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
SPECIAL SESSION IV: Innovative Funding for Sustainable Development Kurniawan Ariadi, Director of Bilateral Foreign Funding, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia Host: Roni Dwi Susanto, Chief Inspector, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 3 (Level 2)
SPECIAL SESSION V: Social Inclusion in Basic Services Christofel Praing, Head, Population Administration and Civil Registration Office, East Sumba[Download PDF] Host: Abdi Suryaningati, Team Leader for PEDULI Program, the Asia Foundation |
Ballroom 5 (Level 2)
SPECIAL SESSION VI: National Health Insurance and Private Sector Engagement (USAID) Bambang Wibowo, Director General for Health Services, Ministry of Health[Download PDF] Host: Edhie Rahmat, USAID Indonesia |
Mutiara Ballroom 1 (Lower Ground)
SPECIAL SESSION VII: Narrowing the Gaps at the Periphery by Harnessing the Potential of Social and Creative Economy (British Council) Daniel Gregory, Social Enterprise United Kingdom[Download PDF] Host: Tristan Ace, British Council Jakarta[Download PDF] |
Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)
IMAGINE CfP SESSION V: Connecting the Archipelago Josua Satria Collins, Indonesia Judiciary Monitoring Society (MaPPHI) Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia[Download PDF] Host: Uke Mohammad Husein, Director of Spatial Planning and Land of the National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara 6 & 7 (Level 2)
IMAGINE CfP SESSION VI: Innovations in Local Governance and Development Ward Berenschot, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Carribbean Studies (KITLV)[Download PDF] Host: Wariki Sutikno, Director of Politics and Communication, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Mutiara 2 & 3 (Level 2)
INITIATE Plenary: Moving Forward IDF2018 Outputs by Participants Representatives Ministers Dialogue: Host: Tony Prasetiantono, Center of Economics and Public Policy Studies, University of Gajah Mada Launch of Inclusive Growth Index by the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia |
Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
Closing IDF2018 Awards: Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning and Head of National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia Brief Remarks: Mr Allaster Cox, Deputy Head of Mission, Australian Embassy in Indonesia Closing Remarks: Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning and Head of National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia IDF2018 Closing Video |
Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)