07:00 - 08:30
08:30 - 09:30


National Anthem “Indonesia Raya”
Welcoming Art Performance (TBC)
IDF2018 Video Presentation

Welcoming Remarks :
Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning and Head of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
H.E. Mr Gary Quinlan, Ambassador of Australia to the Republic of Indonesia

Opening Ceremony : H.E. Jusuf Kalla, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
09:30 - 10:00
Break & Press Conference
10:00 - 11:30

INSPIRE PLENARY: High Level Talkshow

H.E. Asman Abnur, Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform[Download PDF]
H.E. Tjahjo Kumolo, Minister of Home Affairs, Republic of Indonesia
H.E. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
H. Soekarwo, Governor of East Java[Download PDF]
Hasto Wardoyo, Regent of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta[Download PDF]

Host: Desi Anwar, CNN Indonesia

11:30 - 13:00

INSPIRE PLENARY: Regional Disparity and Its Context

Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning and Head of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
H.E. Rudiantara, Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Jeffery D. Sachs, Director of Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University
Prof. Veronica Taylor, Australian National University
Prof. Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States[Download PDF]

Host: Nina Sardjunani, Team Leader, Sustainable Development Goals National Secretariat, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30

INSPIRE I: Narrowing the Gaps at the Periphery

Ari Waluyo, CEO and Co-Founder, Sehati Tele-CTG[Download PDF]
Suyanto Waspo Tondo Wicaksono, Head, Local Development Planning Agency, Banyuwangi, East Java [Download PDF]
Sam Baumber, Managing Director, Southeast Asia International, Social Enterprise Academy[Download PDF]
Mohamad Lakotani, Deputy Governor of West Papua
Arifin Rudiyanto, Deputy Minister for Maritime and Natural Resources, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]


Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
14:00 - 15:30

INSPIRE II: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best?

Wahyu Utomo, Deputy for Coordination of Infrastructure Acceleration and Regional Development, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
En Mohamad Saelal, Federal Commissioner, Iskandar Regional Development Authority, Malaysia[Download PDF]
Setyono Djuandi Darmono, President Commissioner and Founder of PT Jababeka Tbk
Eka Sanatha, Head, Local Development Planning Agency, Karawang, West Java [Download PDF]

Host: Oktorialdi, Director of Regional and Strategic Area Development, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 3 (Level 2)
14:00 - 15:30

INSPIRE III: Unlocking the Potential of the Digital Economy for Regional Development

Prof. Mari Elka Pangestu, Professor of International Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Gustaff Harriman Iskandar, Director and and Founder of Common Room Networks Foundation[Download PDF]
Julie-ann Lambourne, CEO of enVizion Group Inc, Australia[Download PDF]
Lynley Mannell, Team Leader, Strengthening Agricultural Finance in Rural Areas (SAFIRA)[Download PDF]

Host: Petrarca Karetji, Team Leader, Knowledge Sector Initiative

Ballroom 5 (Level 2)
14:00 - 15:30

INSPIRE IV: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes

Astera Primanto Bhakti, Director General for Fiscal Balance, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Blane Lewis, Director, Indonesia Project, Australian National University [Download PDF]
Emma Sri Martini, President Director, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
Sri Bagus Guritno, Director of Public Private Partnerships and Financial Engineering, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]

Host: Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, Senior Adviser to the Minister for Economic and Financing Synergies, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara Ballroom 1 (Lower Ground)
14:00 - 15:30

INSPIRE V: Connecting the Archipelago

Leonard V.H. Tampubolon, Deputy Minister for the Economy, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Zeth Sahuburua, Deputy Governor of Maluku
Jangping Thia, Principal Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Doso Agung, CEO, PT Pelindo IV

Host: Ikhwan Hakim, Director of Transportation, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)
14:00 - 15:30

INSPIRE VI: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity

Indah Putri Indriani, Regent of North Luwu, South Sulawesi[Download PDF]
Subandi, Deputy Minister for Development of Human Resources, Communities, and Culture, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Kamaruddin Batubara, President Director, Koperasi Syariah Benteng Mikro Indonesia[Download PDF]
Nani Zulminarni, Founder and Director, Women Heads of Family Empowerment (PEKKA)[Download PDF]

Host: Asep Suryahadi, Director, The SMERU Research Institute

Mutiara 6 & 7 (Level 2)
14:00 - 15:30

INSPIRE VII: Innovations in Local Governance and Development

H. Najmul Akhyar, Regent of North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara[Download PDF]
H. Dendi Ramadhona, Regent of Pesawaran, Lampung[Download PDF]
Syamsuddin A Hamid, Regent of Pangkajene and Islands, South Sulawesi[Download PDF]
Neni Moerniaeni, Mayor of Bontang, East Kalimantan[Download PDF]

Host: R. Aryawan Soetiarso Poetro, Director of Regional Autonomy, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara 2 & 3 (Level 2)
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:30

IMAGINE I: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes

Virda Dimas Ekaputra, President Director, PT. Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB)[Download PDF]
Susli Lie, Co-founder, Dana Cita
Bambang Sudibyo, Chair, National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS)[Download PDF]
Tengku Munawar Chalil, Osaka University, Japan[Download PDF]

Host: Ikhsan Modjo, Technical Advisor for Innovative Financing, UNDP Indonesia

Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
16:00 - 17:30

IMAGINE II: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best?

Sanny Iskandar, Chairperson, Indonesian Industrial Estates Association[Download PDF]
Abdulbar M. Mansoer, President Director, Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC)
Sara Lawrence, Program Director, Innovation Led Economic Growth, RTI International[Download PDF]
Karina Miaprajna Utari, ASEAN Secretariat[Download PDF]

Host: Bambang Prijambodo, Senior Adviser to the Minister for Development of Priority Sectors and Infrastructure, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 3 (Level 2)
16:00 - 17:30

IMAGINE III: Narrowing the Gaps at the Periphery

Samsul Widodo, Director General for Underdeveloped Regions, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Ronald Hartman, Country Director, South East Asia and the Pacific Sub-Regional Office, International Fund for Agricultural Development[Download PDF]
Helianti Hilman, CEO and Founder, Javara Indonesia[Download PDF]
Isna Riski Safira, Bandung Institute of Technology[Download PDF]

Host: Sumedi Andono Mulyo, Director of Underdeveloped Regions, Transmigration and Villages, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 5 (Level 2)
16:00 - 17:30

IMAGINE IV: Unlocking the Potential of the Digital Economy for Regional Development

Khoon Tee Tan, Partner, McKinsey & Company Indonesia
Achmad Zaky, CEO Bukalapak[Download PDF]
Adrian Turner, CEO, Data61, CSIRO, Australia[Download PDF]
Margareta Wahyu Catur Wijayanti, Wahana Visi Indonesia[Download PDF]

Host: Leonardo Adypurnama Alias Teguh Sambodo, Director of Industry, Tourism, and Creative Economy, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara Ballroom 1 (Lower Ground)
16:00 - 17:30

IMAGINE V: Innovations in Local Governance and Development

Slamet Soedarsono, Deputy Minister for Politic, Law, Defense and Security, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia 
Afrizal Gindow, Sales and Marketing Director, PT East West Seed Indonesia (Ewindo)[Download PDF]
Santi Kusumaningrum, Co-Director, Center on Child Protection and Wellbeing (PUSKAPA), University of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Dwi Amalia Sari, James Cook University[Download PDF]

Host: Anna Winoto, Team Leader, KOMPAK

Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)
16:00 - 17:30

IMAGINE VI: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity

Eka T.P. Simanjuntak, Executive Director, Yayasan Nusantara Sejati
James Modouw, Special Adviser, Ministry of Education and Culture
Monika Nielsen, Chief of Field Office Papua (OIC), UNICEF Indonesia[Download PDF]
Deviariandy Setiawan, Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist, World Bank Indonesia[Download PDF]
Paul Pronyk, Chief of Child Survival and Development, UNICEF Indonesia[Download PDF]
Senza Arsendy, Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI) [Download PDF]

Host: Tri Dewi Virgiyanti, Director of Urban Affairs, Housing and Settlements, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara 6 & 7 (Level 2)
16:00 - 17:30

IMAGINE VII: Connecting the Archipelago

Prof. Suyono Dikun, Chair, Indonesian Transportation Society[Download PDF]
Tri Mumpuni, Executive Director and Founder, IBEKA[Download PDF]
Peter McCawley, Visiting Fellow, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Australian National University, Australia[Download PDF]
Hafida Fahmiasari, Royal HaskoningDHV[Download PDF]

Host: Rachmat Mardiana, Director of Energy, Telecommunication and Information Technology, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara 2 & 3 (Level 2)
17:30 - 19:00


STAGE A - Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia
STAGE B - Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Republic Indonesia
STAGE C - Ministry of National Development Planning: KRISNA
STAGE D - Ministry of National Development Planning: KPBU & PINA
STAGE E - Ministry of National Development Planning: SDGs
STAGE F - Ministry of National Development Planning: Germas
STAGE G - Local Government Exhibition: Ambon City
STAGE H - Local Government Exhibition: Wonosobo Regency
STAGE I - Local Government Exhibition: North Lombok Regency
STAGE J - Local Government Exhibition: Pesawaran Regency
STAGE K - Exhibition: Koalisi Seni Indonesia

Grand Mutiara 1 & 2 (Lower Ground)
17:30 - 19:00



Subandi, Deputy Minister for Development of Human Resources, Communities, and Culture, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Diah Indrajati, Director General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs [TBC]
Hilmar Farid, Director General for Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture
Ricky J. Pesik, Deputy Head, Creative Economy Agency

Host: M. Abduh Aziz, Director, State Film Production Company and Chairperson of the Board, Indonesian Arts Coalition

Performers: Ketjil Bergerak, Nona Ria

Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)

SPECIAL SESSION I: Reducing Disparity by Optimising the Role of Culture in Eastern Indonesia

Hilmar Farid, Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Glenn Fredly Deviano Latuihamallo, Indonesian singer songwriter[Download PDF]
Tita Djumaryo, Founder, Ganara Art and Mari Berbagi Seni[Download PDF]
Stanley Ferdinandus, Founder and Director, Heka Leka, Ambon[Download PDF]
Herawati Sudoyo, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology[Download PDF]

Host: Amich Alhumami, Director of Higher Education, Science and Technology, and Culture of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)

SPECIAL SESSION II: Disability, Policy and Services: Regional Disparities in the Indonesian and Australian Experience (AIDRAN)

Dina Afrianty, Research Fellow, La Trobe University, Australia[Download PDF]
Karen Soldatic, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, Australia[Download PDF]
Slamet Thohari, Secretay of Disability Studies and Services Center of the University of Brawijaya[Download PDF]
Yuhda Wahyu Pradana, Founder, Braille’iant Community

Host: Vivi Yulaswati, Director of Poverty Alleviation and Social Welfare of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 3 (Level 2)

IMAGINE CfP SESSION I: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best?

Goldy Fariz Dharmawan, the SMERU Research Institute[Download PDF]
Sri Sarjana, Vocational High School 1 West Cikarang[Download PDF]
Eko Budi Kurniawan, Ministry of Public Works and Housing[Download PDF]
Dimas Muhammad, The John F Kennedy School of Government Harvard University, United States[Download PDF]

Host: Oktorialdi, Director of Regional and Strategic Area Development of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 5 (Level 2)

IMAGINE CfP SESSION II: Narrowing the Gaps at the Periphery

Silvia Landa, Alumni Association of America-Indonesia Scholarship Programs (ALPHA-I)[Download PDF]
Antonius Eko Sunardi, University of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Lana Kristanto, KOPERNIK[Download PDF]
Titi Permata, Synod of the Halmahera Church of Gospel, North Maluku[Download PDF]

Host: Rizang Wrihatnolo, Director of System and Reporting of Development Monitoring, Evaluation and Control of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara Ballroom 1 (Lower Ground)

IMAGINE CfP SESSION III: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity

Erfan Agus Munif, Office for Early Childhood and Community Education (BPPAUD dan DIKMAS) of East Java[Download PDF]
Tadzkia Nurshafira, Gadjah Mada University[Download PDF]
Mochammad Fadjar Wibowo, Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives
Wisnu Harto Adi Wijoyo, World Bank Indonesia[Download PDF]

Host: Maliki, Director of Population Planning and Social Protection of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)

IMAGINE CfP SESSION IV: Unlocking the Potential of the Digital Economy for Regional Development

Nika Pranata, Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)[Download PDF]
Valentine J. Gandhi, KOMPAK[Download PDF]
Maesy Angelina, UN Pulse Lab Jakarta[Download PDF]
Monica Yaniardani, Lund University[Download PDF]

Host: Diastika Rahwidiati, Deputy Head of Office, Pulse Lab Jakarta 

Mutiara 6 & 7 (Level 2)

IMAGINE CfP SESSION VII: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes

Alhamidi, Sumatera Institute of Technology[Download PDF]
Iskandar, University of Tasmania, Australia[Download PDF]
Verania Andria, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Indonesia[Download PDF]
Lutfi Muhammad Iqbal, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]

Host: Erwin Ariadarma, Senior Public Sector Management Specialist, World Bank Indonesia

Mutiara 2 & 3 (Level 2)


SPOT A: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best?

Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Durian Merah Banyuwangi, keberhasilan sektor pertanian tanaman holtikultura dan pemanfaatan peningkatan kunjungan wisata untuk mewujudkan pusat pertumbuhan baru di kawasan Pesanggrahan.
Arwi Yudhi Koswara, Institute of Technology Sepuluh November (ITS)

PPP as a Financing Scheme for Supporting Infrastructure in Special Economic Zones[Download PDF]
Muhammad Ilham Maulana, Indonesia State College of Accountancy (STAN)

Ekonomi Kerakyatan Berbasis PRO-SUER[Download PDF]
Afrianto Nurdin, Perkumpulan Wallacea Palopo

Rumah Sanur: An Innovative Model for Creating Community-centred Growth Centres
Arief Budiman, Rumah Sanur

SPOT B: Narrowing The Gaps at the Periphery

Optimization of Sea Border Area Development Based on Geo-tourism Planning in Jemaja Island, Riau Islands Province[Download PDF]
Gerry Utama, Gadjah Mada University

KELAPA DALAM: Yang Dulu Terabaikan, Kini Mensejahterakan (Pilot Project Pengolahan Kelapa Dalam Di Kabupaten Sarmi)[Download PDF]
Nuraida Muji, the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Study of Community Empowerment Pilot Project Based on Local Customs for Underdeveloped Village in Border Papua[Download PDF]
Muhyiddin, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Aplikasi Geospasial ARK[Download PDF]
Heru Samosir, Cakra Wikara Indonesia

SPOT C: Narrowing The Gaps at the Periphery

Gerakan Patungan Listrik Puskesmas : Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer di DTPK (Daerah Terpencil, Perbatasan, dan Kepulauan) Berbasis Crowdfunding dan Kemitraan Lintas Sektor[Download PDF]
Siska Verawati, Center for Indonesia's Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI)

Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE) Fund
British Council

Upaya Mengurangi Kesenjangan Daerah Tertinggal dan Perbatasan dalam memperkuat Daya Saing Usaha Mikro,Kecil & Menengah (UMKM)[Download PDF]
Edwar Fitri, Bina Mitra Usaha Nusantara

Augustine Merriska, Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS)

SPOT D: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity

Citizen Voice and Action: Improving Basic Services through Social Accountability Approach[Download PDF]
Andreas Sitohang, Wahana Visi Indonesia

Local Public Goods, Regional Income Inequality, and Social Diversity in Indonesia[Download PDF]
Matondang Elsa Siburian, Waseda University, Japan, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia

Potensi Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomi dan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Aplikasi Daring[Download PDF]
Sessario Bayu Mangkara (Indonesia)

Public Services Performance on Education, Health and Infrastructure During Fiscal Decentralization Era[Download PDF]
Joko Tri Haryanto/Rita Helbra Tenrini, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia

SPOT E: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity

Malaria elimination by 2020[Download PDF]
Nancy Dian Anggraeni, Head, Sub-Directorate for Malaria, Ministry of Health and Endang Sumiwi, Health Specialist, UNICEF Indonesia

Birth certificates in remote villages implemented within 7 days through cooperation with midwives (Banyuwangi)[Download PDF]

Saving the lives of mothers and babies: improving access to essential health services in Maluku and North Maluku
Meykial Pontoh, Maluku Provincial Health Office, Sowmya Kadandale, UNICEF Indonesia and Bobby Marwal Syahrizal, UNICEF Indonesia

Pencerah Nusantara: Reformasi Layanan Kesehatan Publik dari Pinggiran[Download PDF]
Anindita Sitepu, Center for Indonesia's Strategic Development Initiatives

SPOT F: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity

Kewirausahaan Sanitasi Berbasis Minat dalam Memenuhi kebutuhan dan Menciptakan Keberlanjutan Akses Sanitasi untuk Masyarakat Pedesaan di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat[Download PDF]
Yusridar Mustafa, SIMAVI

Penguatan kapasitas operator layanan air limbah domestik melalui wastewater operator partnership dalam kerangka FORKALIM[Download PDF]
Subekti, Forum Komunikasi Pengelolaan Air Limbah Permukiman (FORKALIM)

Water for Women[Download PDF]
Dinar Dwi Prasetyo, The SMERU Research Institute and Silvia Devina, Plan Internasional Indonesia

Accelerating progress towards open defecation free communities: a STBM success story
Reza Hendrawan, UNICEF Indonesia and Aldy Mardikanto, Directorate of Urban Affairs, Housing and Settlements, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

SPOT G: Unlocking the Potential of Digital Economy for Regional Development

Farmers Empowerment - Activity Based Ecosystem[Download PDF]
Wim Prihanto, Regopantes

Relieving Legal Access Disparity Through Digital Economy[Download PDF]
Melvin Sumapung, Justika.com

Online trading platform for B2B buyer, so businesses can directly buy commodities from fishermen
Utary Octaviany, Pasarlaut.com/Aruna

Assessing impact of digital innovation in rural agriculture: A case study on TaniGroup[Download PDF]
Lutfia Aisya, PT Tani Hub Indonesia

SPOT H: Connecting the Archipelago

Connecting the Western Part of Indonesia: Social and Ecological Implications of Trans Mentawai Development Program[Download PDF]
Lengga Pradipta, Indonesian Insitute of Sciences (LIPI)

Behavior Control and Goods-Transportation Planning for Better Economy[Download PDF]
Abdul Luky Shofiul Azmi, Novel Teknologi Universal

Developing Dry Port in North Sulawesi Province to Reduce Transport Cost from/to Bitung Port[Download PDF]
Hafida Fahmiasari, Royal HaskoningDHV

SPOT I: Innovations in Local Governance and Development

What makes innovation in the public sector so challenging?[Download PDF]
Alexander Hamonangan Nainggolan, Ministry of Industry, Republic of Indonesia

Your innovations (didn't) make me happy: The role of popular governors and mayors on regional welfare[Download PDF]
Suska, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia

Co-Creation Platform as an Accelerator on SDGs Implementation: an Idea for the Execution of SDGs Action Plan in Indonesia, Case Study: Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung Province[Download PDF]
Zulfikar Dinar Wahidayat Putra, Wageningen University

Community-Based Tourism Development in Ujungpangkah Sub district as Gresik Government Effort in Enhancing the Rural Areas Potencies[Download PDF]
Achmad Room Fitrianto, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

SPOT J: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes

Performance based grants for sub-national roads maintenance[Download PDF]
Shamas Bajwa, Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur (KIAT) and Ken Thomason, Provincial Road Improvement and Maintenance (PRIM) Programme Implementation Unit Consultants

Improved village budget allocations for basic services and social inclusion in Pemalang through women’s groups (selapanan) advocacy[Download PDF]
Yusuf Murtiono, Forum Masyarakat Sipil (FORMASI) Kebumen

Cooperation between local governments and the private sector, using CSR funding to implement additional requests resulting out of Village Plans that cannot be covered by the government (Muara Enim).[Download PDF]
H. Abdul Nadjib Salatti, Local Development Planning Agency, Muara Enim, South Sumatra

Evaluation of village fund program: An evaluation of government program to optimise development resources[Download PDF]
Agus Pratiwi, Article 33 Indonesia

SPOT K: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes

Analisis Kebijakan Insentif Fiskal Terhadap Ketimpangan Regional[Download PDF]
Benny Gunawan Ardiansyah & Rachmad Utomo, Ministry of Finance

The Application of Availability Payment Scheme to the Village Funds Programme[Download PDF]
Eko Nur Surachman & Siswanto, Ministry of Finance

Mengembangkan Kewirausahaan Berbasis Kampung[Download PDF]
Rintar Agus Simatupang, University of Papua

Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Hibah Air Minum Perkotaan[Download PDF]
Nur Aisyah Nasution, Rima Nadhira & Gary Alfrits, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

SPOT L: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes

Promoting Gender Equality and Civil Society Engagement in Private-Public Partnership (PPP) and Private Sector Engagement (PSE) to Address Development Disparity.[Download PDF]
Nur Hayati and Siti Ruhanawati, Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur (KIAT)

Menelusuri Aliran Belanja Desa[Download PDF]
Gema Satria, The SMERU Research Institute

Dynamic Programming Approach for Optimizing The Effectiveness of Fund Expenditure with The Advantage of Open Government Partnership[Download PDF]
Mochamad Nizar Palefi Ma'ady, Nahdlatul Ulama University Sunan Giri

Local Government Collaboration with the Private Sector for Local Economic Growth[Download PDF]
Reslian Pardede, Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP-PRISMA)

Foyer Assembly Hall
Grand Mutiara 1 & 2 (Lower Ground)


SPOT A: Regional Growth Centres: What Works Best?

Are Wealthy Regions Also Entrepreneurial? The Case of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Wini Widiastuti, Bureau of Stratistics, West Nusa Tenggara Province

Program Pengembangan UMKM Kontekstual via Studi Ethnography dan Pemahaman Crowd[Download PDF]
Amalia E. Maulana, ETNOMARK Consulting

Dukuh Penaban Tourism Village[Download PDF]
I. Nengah Suarya, Dukuh Penaban Tourism Village

SPOT B: Narrowing The Gaps at the Periphery

Regional Poverty Clock[Download PDF]
Bastian Zaini, World Data Lab Indonesia

#SmallActionForBigSmile Noken Papua[Download PDF]
Herlina Yawang, Walibu (Infographic Competition Winner)

Memajukan Indonesia dari Pinggiran dengan Memaksimalkan Dampak Dana Desa
Andhyta Firselly Utami (Infographic Competition Winner)

SPOT C: Narrowing The Gaps at the Periphery

Didi Diarsa, Code Margonda

Social Corporate Lawyers Society (Socolas)
Gita Syahrani

Climate resilience in South Central Timor Regency, Kupang Regency and Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara[Download PDF]
Haris Oematan, CIS Timor

SPOT D: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity

BOSDA Buku Bacaan yang Sesuai Minat Anak: Kebijakan Lokal untuk Solusi Nasional[Download PDF]
Djamaluddin Saleh, Office of Education and Culture, Bulungan, North Kalimantan
Pelayanan Kesehatan Dasar di Pulau-pulau Kecil
Juliana Ratuanak, Local Development Planning Agency, Western Southeast Maluku
Transparansi Data Anggaran Untuk Peningkatan Layanan Dasar yang Lebih Baik[Download PDF]
Yenti Nurhidayat, Seknas FITRA

SPOT E: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity

Civil Society Engagement grants with PRIM[Download PDF]
Jan Edwards and Siti Fatimah, Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur (KIAT)
Inclusive Education
Surya Sahetapy, Handai Tuli
DesBumi (Desa Peduli Buruh Migran)[Download PDF]
Wahyu Susilo, Migrant Care and Etti Subiyakti, Rogojati, Central Java

SPOT F: Delivering Basic Services to Reduce Regional Disparity

Indonesia Muda Bersuara [Indonesia's Youth Speak][Download PDF]
Ilham Akbar and Adnan Mubarak, UNICEF Indonesia
Reaching out to vulnerable children[Download PDF]
Puti Chairida Anwar, Sub-Directorate for Vulnerable Children Under Five, Ministry of Social Affairs and Naning Pudji Julianingsih, UNICEF Surabaya
Kelas Pagi Papua, Pendidikan adalah Hak Setiap Orang[Download PDF]
Donald Terrence Kamarea, Morning Class Papua (Vlog Competition Winner)

SPOT G: Unlocking the Potential of Digital Economy for Regional Development

Inovasi Keperantaraan Pasar bagi Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kabupaten Pacitan[Download PDF]
Eni Setyowati, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises, Pacitan, East Java
Shop.141: Inovasi Social E-Commerce, Beli Satu untuk Satunya Lagi[Download PDF]
Herawati, 1healthcollaboration (Blog Competition Winner)
Local Enablers[Download PDF]
Dwi Purnomo, Universitas Padjajaran

SPOT H: Innovations in Local Governance and Development

The promise of Behavioural Insights to Tackle Development Issues and shaping public policies in Indonesia[Download PDF]
Arif Budy Pratama, Tidar University
Peranan Camat dalam Inovasi Peningkatan Akses Pelayanan dasar dan Pembangunan Desa[Download PDF]
Agus Dwi Nugroho, Sub-District Head, Petungkriyono, Pekalongan, Central Java
SIGAP: Aksi Inspiratif Warga untuk Perubahan - Inovasi pemberdayaan masyarakat yang bermukim di dalam dan sekitar hutan untuk pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan pembangunan berkelanjutan[Download PDF]
A. Kusworo, The Nature Conservancy

SPOT I: Innovations in Local Governance and Development

Pro-Poor Planning and Budgeting (SEPAKAT 2.0)
SEPAKAT Team, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Open Data Keuangan Desa - Memastikan Ruang Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Desa[Download PDF]
Aldhiana Kusumawati, Village Finances and Assets Office, Wonosobo, Central Java and Muhammad Irsyadul Ibad, Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious, and Cultural Studies (INFEST)
Pelayanan STDB Keliling sebagai Upaya Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Mendukung Minyak Sawit Berkelanjutan[Download PDF]
Rukaiyah Rafik, Yayasan Setara Jambi

SPOT J: Smarter Funding for Better Outcomes

Performance Based Grants in the water sector[Download PDF]
Jim Coucouvinis, Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur (KIAT)
The Role of Non-Government Budget Investment (PINA) for Infrastructure Development in Indonesia[Download PDF]
Lukman Adi Prananto, PINA Centre for Private Investment, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Fintech and Student Loans - Using Innovative Financing and Technology to Increase Access to Higher Education for Indonesian Youth[Download PDF]
Alfonsus Dwianto Wibowo, Dana Cita

Foyer Assembly Hall
Grand Mutiara 1 & 2 (Lower Ground)

SPOT K and L: Addressing Disparities in Education Quality in Indonesia

Indonesia: Who Learns What in Basic Education?
Rythia Afkar, Education Economist, World Bank Indonesia[Download PDF]

Producing Quality Teachers: A Look Inside Indonesia’s Teacher Education and Training Systems
Susiana Iskandar, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank Indonesia

Indonesia’s Experience in Employing and Deploying Teachers:  Lessons in Good Practice
Ratna Kesuma, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank Indonesia
Can Indonesian Local Governments Drive Better Teacher Quality?

Daniel Suryadarma, Deputy Team Leader, Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE) Programme, The SMERU Research Institute[Download PDF]

Localizing Solutions to Address Education Quality: Lessons from Belu, East Nusa Tenggara
Karrie McLaughlin, World Bank Indonesia[Download PDF]

Empowering Communities and Linking Teachers’ Pay with Performance for Better Student Outcomes
Dewi Susanti, Senior Social Development Specialist, World Bank Indonesia[Download PDF]

Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)

SPECIAL SESSION III: Policy in Practice for Reducing Regional Disparity

Alfonso Vegara, Founder and Honorary President, Fundacion Metropoli[Download PDF]
Jaya Wahono, Founder and Director, Clean Power Indonesia[Download PDF]
Idza Priyanti, Regent of Brebes[Download PDF]
Suzy Ogé, Co-Founder, MataKami[Download PDF]
Rudy Soeprihadi Prawiradinata, Deputy Minister for Regional Development, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]

Host: Diani Sadia Wati, Senior Adviser to the Minister for Institutional Relations, National Development Planning Agency

Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)

SPECIAL SESSION IV: Innovative Funding for Sustainable Development

Kurniawan Ariadi, Director of Bilateral Foreign Funding, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Nick Bridge, Special Representative for Climate Change, United Kingdom
Alexander Pick, Fiscal Economist, OECD Development Centre[Download PDF]
Nur Kholis, Regional Economist, KOMPAK[Download PDF]

Host: Roni Dwi Susanto, Chief Inspector, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 3 (Level 2)

SPECIAL SESSION V: Social Inclusion in Basic Services

Christofel Praing, Head, Population Administration and Civil Registration Office, East Sumba[Download PDF]
Pungkas Bahjuri Ali, Director of Community Health and Nutrition, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Ferry Wira Padang, Deputy Director, United North Sumatra Alliance[Download PDF]
Eva Nurfita, Head of District Health Agency, Aceh Singkil[Download PDF]

Host: Abdi Suryaningati, Team Leader for PEDULI Program, the Asia Foundation

Ballroom 5 (Level 2)

SPECIAL SESSION VI: National Health Insurance and Private Sector Engagement (USAID)

Bambang Wibowo, Director General for Health Services, Ministry of Health[Download PDF]
Maliki, Director of Population Planning and Social Protection, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Irma Marlina, Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance[Download PDF]
Elsa Novelia, Assisten Deputi Bidang Utilisasi Anti Fraud Rujukan BPJS Kesehatan[Download PDF]

Host: Edhie Rahmat, USAID Indonesia
Lead Facilitator: Hasbullah Thabrani, Chair, Center for Health Economics and Policy Studies (CHEPS) University of Indonesia

Mutiara Ballroom 1 (Lower Ground)

SPECIAL SESSION VII: Narrowing the Gaps at the Periphery by Harnessing the Potential of Social and Creative Economy (British Council)

Daniel Gregory, Social Enterprise United Kingdom[Download PDF]
Azalea Ayuningtyas, CEO Du’Anyam[Download PDF]
Yoris Sebastian, Founder of OMG Creative Consulting

Host: Tristan Ace, British Council Jakarta[Download PDF]

Mutiara Ballroom 2 (Lower Ground)

IMAGINE CfP SESSION V: Connecting the Archipelago

Josua Satria Collins, Indonesia Judiciary Monitoring Society (MaPPHI) Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Ade Marsina Arsani, Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)[Download PDF]
Mohammad Hidayaturrahman, Wiraraja University[Download PDF]
Gerry Koestoer, Wise Air Indonesia[Download PDF]

Host: Uke Mohammad Husein, Director of Spatial Planning and Land of the National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara 6 & 7 (Level 2)

IMAGINE CfP SESSION VI: Innovations in Local Governance and Development

Ward Berenschot, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Carribbean Studies (KITLV)[Download PDF]
Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya, Special Staff to the Minister for Economic Affairs and Transportation Investment, Ministry of Transportation, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Marlon Arthur Huwae, Papua University
Adyawarman, University of Canberra, Australia and State Secretariat, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]

Host: Wariki Sutikno, Director of Politics and Communication, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Mutiara 2 & 3 (Level 2)

INITIATE Plenary: Moving Forward

IDF2018 Outputs by Participants Representatives

Ministers Dialogue:
Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning and Head of National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia[Download PDF]
Ir. Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga, M.Eng. Sc, Director of of General Research & Development, Minister of Public Works and Housing, Republic of Indonesia
Eko Putro Sandjojo, Minister Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Republic Indonesia[Download PDF]
Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister for Transportation, Republic of Indonesian[Download PDF]

Host: Tony Prasetiantono, Center of Economics and Public Policy Studies, University of Gajah Mada

Launch of Inclusive Growth Index by the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning and Head of National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Accompanied by: Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, Expert Staff for Economic and Financing Synergies, National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)


IDF2018 Awards: Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning and Head of National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Gellwynn Daniel Hamzah Jusuf, Secretary Minister of National Development Planning, Republic of Indonesia

Brief Remarks: Mr Allaster Cox, Deputy Head of Mission, Australian Embassy in Indonesia

Closing Remarks: Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning and Head of National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia

IDF2018 Closing Video

Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 2)
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