Minister for National Development Planning and Head of the National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia
Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
District Head, Jember
Mayor, Solo
Village Head, Pujon Kidul
Deputy District Head, Bulukumba
Australian Ambassador to Indonesia
CEO, General Electric Indonesia
Co-founder, HARA
Director General, Aruna Indonesia
Founder and CEO, Threadapeutic
Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Project Coordinator,
Senior Program Manager, British Council Indonesia
Film producer, director and actor
Founder, Spedagi
Founder, Halallocal
COO, Du’anyam
Partner, Dentons HPRP
Founder, Yayasan Pemimpin Anak Bangsa
Director of Agriculture, Entrepreneurship and Financial Inclusion, Mercy Corps Indonesia
Researcher, The SMERU Research Institute
Co-founder and CEO, Studio Dapur
Founder and Owner, Kainara
Chief Creative Officer, MENA Indonesia