Venansius Thomas Kapitan Openg

Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development Student, Australian National University

Venansius Thomas Kapitan, mahasiswa semester III program Master Antropologi Terapan dan Pengembangan Partisipatif dengan fokus pada masyarakat dan lingkungan di Australian National University (ANU). Venancius pernah bekerja sebagai staf Lentera CIDEC, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan WADAH foundation, serta terlibat dalam  kegiatan pencegahan erosi di Taman Konservasi Majura. Minat penelitiannya berkaitan dengan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Keterlibatan ini mendorong Venansius meneliti kebijaksanaan ekologis, yang disebut “mamar”, dari komunitas Metoin di Kefamenanu, Indonesia. Dalam IDF 2019, Venansius berduet dengan Sayuri Ichikawa dari Jepang, mahasiswa Semester II program Master of Environmental Management & Development, di Australian National University.


Venansius Thomas Kapitan, a third- semester student of the Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development program with a focus on society and the environment at the Australian National University (ANU). Venanscius has worked as Lentera CIDEC staff, East Nusa Tenggara, and WADAH foundation, as well as being involved in erosion prevention activities in Majura Conservation Park. His research interests are related to society and the environment. This involvement prompted Venansius to examine ecological policies, called "mamar", from the Metoin community in Kefamenanu, Indonesia. In IDF 2019, Venansius partnered with Sayuri Ichikawa from Japan, a 2nd- semester student of the Master of Environmental Management & Development Program, at the Australian National University.

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