Marthella Rivera Roidatua bekerja sebagai Peneliti Ahli Pertama Bidang Kebijakan Sosial di Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi. Marthella menyelesaikan studi S2 di University of Birmingham, UK, lalu kembali ke tanah air dan bekerja sebagai Tenaga Ahli di Kementerian PPN/ Bappenas. Tugasnya menyusun Peraturan Pemerintah dan Rencana Induk Pembangunan Inklusif Disabilitas. Selanjutnya, ia bergabung di Kementerian Desa. Marthella juga mendirikan sebuah organisasi yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung atau hub yang mempertemukan disabilitas dan non-disabilitas dalam berbagai kolaborasi menarik bernama Koneksi Indonesia Inklusif (Konekin).
Marthella Rivera Roidatua works as the First Expert Researcher on Social Policy in the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration. Marthella completed her Master’s Degree at the University of Birmingham, UK, then returned to her homeland and worked as an Expert at the Ministry of PPN / Bappenas. Her task is to compile Government Regulations and the Master Plan for Disability Inclusive Development. Then, she joined the Ministry of Village. Marthella also established an organization that functions as a liaison or hub that brings together disability and non-disability in various interesting collaborations called Indonesian Connections Inclusive (Konekin).