Muhammad Nabil Satria Faradis

Master of Engineering Student, University of Melbourne

Muhammad Nabil Satria Faradis, S.T. tengah menempuh studi Master of Engineering the University of Melbourne, Australia. Nabil merupakan pendiri perusahaan rintisan sosiotechnoprener, PT. MINO Teknologi Indonesia (Ltd.) yang membuatnya masuk sebagai Top 50 Young Social Entrepreneurs, Singapore International Foundation 2017. Sebelumnya, ia bekerja di QUICK Tractor dan PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia. Pada 2018, peraih beasiswa Australia Awards ini menjuarai gagasan untuk aksi From 13000 Innovators, yang dihelat Bank Dunia dan Wharton School University of Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat. Nabil terpilih sebagai Pemuda Berprestasi Internasional Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga 2018. Bukunya bertajuk Financing and Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: Ideas for Action dipublikasikan Bank Dunia. Buku lain berjudul Cerita Kita di Jalan Cendekia diterbitkan Wangsa Jatra.


Muhammad Nabil Satria Faradis, S.T. was studying for the Master of Engineering the University of Melbourne, Australia. Nabil is the founder of the pilot company socioechnoprener, PT. MINO Teknologi Indonesia (Ltd.) which made it the Top 50 Young Social Entrepreneurs, Singapore International Foundation 2017. Previously, he worked at QUICK Tractor and PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia. In 2018, the winner of the Australia Awards scholarship won “Action from 13000 Innovators, which was held by the World Bank and the Wharton School University of Pennsylvania, United States. Nabil was selected as the 2018 Young Person with International Achievement by Ministry of Youth and Sports. His book titled Financing and Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: Ideas for Action was published by the World Bank. Another book titled Our Story on Jalan Cendekia was published by Wangsa Jatra.

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