Zulkifly Rumba Anung Singku

Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Zulkifly Rumba A. Singku sedang menempuh Semester 8 di Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Muslim Indonesia. Minat penelitiannya di bidang Teknologi dan Kesehatan. Salah satu penelitiannya terpilih sebagai Juara Nasional Karya Ilmiah Gadjah Mada Competition. Rumba juga meraih penghargaan dari KOMA Youth dalam ajang Indonesian Young Professional Paper Awards 2017 di Makassar.  Di kampusnya, Rumba didapuk sebagai Ketua Divisi Riset dan Teknologi Periode 2017-2018 di sebuah Organisasi Pusat Pengembangan Riset Mahasiswa.


Zulkifly Rumba A. Singku is currently undergoing the 8th semester at the Faculty of Industrial Technology, University of Muslim Indonesia. His research interests are in the fields of Technology and Health. One of his studies was chosen as the National Champion of the Gadjah Mada Competition Scientific Work. Rumba also won an award from KOMA Youth at the 2017 Indonesian Young Professional Paper Awards in Makassar.  On his campus, Rumba is appointed as Chair of the Research and Technology Division for the 2017-2018 Period at a Student Research Center Development Organization.

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