Dini Hajarrahmah

Co-founder and CEO, Wanderlust Indonesia

Dini Hajarrahmah, Co-founder dan CEO bersama Areta Arlizar, Head of Business Development, Wanderlust Indonesia. Dini merupakan lulusan Universitas Diponegoro, pernah bekerja sebagai Human Resources Executive di Danone. Ia meraih penghargaan Young Caring Professional Awards pada 2013. Dini melanjutkan studi S2 di Boston University, Amerika Serikat selama 2 tahun untuk mengambil Master of Science in Economic Development & Tourism Management dengan beasiswa penuh dari LPDP (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan) Republik Indonesia. Areta Arlizar sebelumnya bekerja di Yayasan IBEKA dan jurnalis di Kompas. Lulusan Universitas Indonesia ini pernah ikut proyek Ekspedisi NKRI selama 7 bulan di NTT. Wanderlust Indonesia adalah wirausaha sosial di Indonesia yang mengusung tema tourism, travel dan voluntary. Wanderlust Indonesia selalu memasukan unsur kegiatan sosial di setiap trip atau perjalanan wisata. Menciptakan kegiatan Pariwisata Bertanggung Jawab (Responsible Travel) dan menggabungkan unsur pariwisata dan kerelawanan menjadi satu nilai Voluntourism sebagai karakter dan komitmen Wanderlust Indonesia.


Dini Hajarrahmah, Co-founder and CEO with Areta Arlizar, Head of Business Development, Wanderlust Indonesia. Dini graduated from Diponegoro University, and once worked as a Human Resources Executive at Danone. She won the Young Caring Professional Awards in 2013. Dini continued her Masters studies at Boston University, USA for 2 years to take the Master of Science in Economic Development & Tourism Management with a full scholarship from the LPDP (Educational Fund Management Institution) of the Republic of Indonesia. Areta Arlizar previously worked at the IBEKA Foundation and journalist at Kompas. This graduate of Universitas Indonesia participated in the NKRI Expedition project for 7 months in NTT. Wanderlust Indonesia is a social entreprise in Indonesia that carries the theme of tourism, travel and voluntary work. Wanderlust Indonesia always includes elements of social activities on every trip or tour. Creating Responsible Travel activities and combining tourism and voluntary elements into one value Voluntourism as a character and commitment of Wanderlust Indonesia.

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