Rara Sekar, musisi independen dan peneliti di bidang sosial dan budaya. Rara memperoleh gelar S2 di jurusan Antropologi Budaya dari Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), Selandia Baru, dengan fokus penelitian di persimpangan isu pendidikan, pembangunan, anak muda, dan adat. Sebelumnya, Rara juga bekerja sebagai Tutor (Asisten Dosen) di jurusan Antropologi Budaya VUW mengampu kelas Antropologi HAM dan Pembangunan. Saat ini Rara bekerja sebagai peneliti lepas untuk CCPHI dalam meneliti potensi koperasi riset di Indonesia. Selain itu, Rara juga aktif mengajar riset dan fotografi.
Rara Sekar, independent musician and researcher in the social and cultural fields. Rara obtained a master's degree in Cultural Anthropology from Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), New Zealand, with a focus on research at the intersection of issues of education, development, youth and custom. Previously, Rara also worked as a Tutor (Lecturer Assistant) in the VUW Department of Cultural Anthropology in charge of the Human Rights and Development Anthropology class. Currently, Rara works as a freelance researcher for CCPHI in researching the potential of research cooperatives in Indonesia. Rara also actively teaches research and photography.