Nika Pranata

Researcher, Economic Research Centre, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

Nika Pranata adalah peneliti dari Pusat Penelitian Ekonomi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Ia telah menyelesaikan program Master of Economics and Public Policy dari National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Jepang dan program magister Ekonomi Terapan dari Universitas Padjajaran. Pada 2018, ia menerima penghargaan Best Paper Winner dalam Indonesia Development Forum 2018. Ia telah memublikasikan berbagai karya tulis ilmiah dan naskah kebijakan serta mempresentasikannya di berbagai forum internasional dan nasional. Tema penelitian yang diminatinya meliputi financial technology (fintech), keuangan inklusif, dan ekonomi digital.


Nika Pranata is a researcher from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Economic Research Center. She has completed the Master of Economics and Public Policy program from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan and the Master of Applied Economics program from Padjadjaran University. In 2018, she received the Best Paper Winner award in the Indonesia Development Forum 2018. She has published various scientific papers and policy texts and presented them in various international and national forums. The research themes that she is interested in include financial technology (fintech), inclusive finance, and the digital economy.


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