Ahmad Lutfi Karim

Student, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Ahmad Lutfi Karim, mahasiswa jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada ini, mengaku sangat berminat mendalami isu pengembangan teknologi dan industri kreatif. Ia juga menaruh perhatian terhadap masalah sosial, terutama tentang nutrisi dan pendidikan. Saat ini Lutfi, bekerja sebagai peneliti nutrisi proyek Ghidza. Ghidza merupakan usaha rintisan dengan produk aplikasi pelacak asupan gizi, yang memberikan informasi kandungan gizi dari makanan yang dikonsumsi. Tujuannya agar pengguna bisa menyeimbangkan kebutuhan gizi. Lutfi pernah memenangi Kompetisi Menulis Youth Leadership Connection 2019 dan tahun lalu menyabet juara petama penulisan esai tentang Industrial Revolution 4.0 di UGM. 


Ahmad Lutfi Karim, a student majoring in Food Technology and Agricultural Products at Universitas Gadjah Mada, said he was very interested in exploring the issue of technology development and creative industries. He also shows interest social problems, especially about nutrition and education. Currently Lutfi works as a nutrition researcher for the Ghidza project. Ghidza is a pilot business with nutritional intake tracking application products, which provide information on the nutritional content of food consumed. The goal is that users can balance nutritional needs. Lutfi won the 2019 Youth Leadership Connection Writing Competition and last year won the first place in essay writing about Industrial Revolution 4.0 at UGM.

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