Febe Amalia Haryanto

Master of Commerce Student, University of New South Wales

Febe Amalia Haryanto, tengah belajar untuk meraih gelar Master di bidang Inovasi, Global, Keberlanjutan dan Kewirausahaan Sosial di UNSW Sydney dengan dukungan beasiswa Australia Awards. Ia juga menjabat sebagai Presiden Asosiasi Pemuda Australia-Indonesia NSW. Febe berpengalaman kerja lebih dari 4 tahun, termasuk di bidang agro. Ia juga sempat menjadi sukarelawan di sektor pendidikan selama satu tahun. Febe berminat mengambangkan kegiatan pemberdayaan pemuda dan pembangunan sosial ekonomi. Pada 2016, ia ikut memprakarsai bootcamp kewirausahaan kaum muda untuk siswa kejuruan setelah memenangkan Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund dari Amerika Serikat.


Febe Amalia Haryanto, is studying to get a Master’s degree in the fields of Innovation, Global, Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship at UNSW Sydney with the support of the Australia Awards scholarship. She also served as President of the NSW Australia-Indonesia Youth Association. Febe has more than 4 years of working experience, including in the agro field. She also volunteered in the education sector for one year. Febe is interested in developing youth empowerment and socio-economic development activities. In 2016, she participated in initiating the youth entrepreneurship bootcamp for vocational students after winning the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund from the United States.

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