Imron Zuhri

Co-founder, HARA

Imron Zuhri, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), HARA. HARA menyatakan sebagai blockchain for social impact pertama di Indonesia. HARA memberikan solusi berkelanjutan bagi para pemangku kepentingan dalam pasar pertukaran data (data-exchange) dalam sektor-sektor yang paling memiliki dampak sosial di dunia. Sebagai CTO HARA, Imron memimpin arahan teknis para ilmuwan data berbakat. Imron memanfaatkan minat dan keahliannya dalam matematika, fisika, analitik, dan teknologi big data untuk terus memajukan kemampuan unik dan solusi teknologi perusahaan. Sebelum mendirikan HARA, Imron merupakan profesional termuda yang memegang posisi direktur di salah satu anak perusahaan Indosat.


Imron Zuhri, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), HARA. HARA stated as the first social impact blockchain in Indonesia. HARA provides sustainable solutions for stakeholders in data-exchange markets in the sectors that have the most social impact in the world. As CTO of HARA, Imron provides technical direction for the talented data scientists. Imron relies on his interests and expertise in mathematics, physics, analytics and big data technology to continue to advance the company's unique capabilities and technological solutions. Before founding HARA, Imron was the youngest professional to hold a director position in one of Indosat's subsidiaries.

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