Frederico Gil Sanders

Lead Economist, Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment, World Bank

Frederico Gil Sanders, Lead Economist, Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment World Bank Frederico mengordinasikan program kerja Bank Dunia dengan Pemerintah Indonesia di bidang Ekonomi Makro, Kebijakan Fiskal, dan Perdagangan. Sebelumnya, Frederico menjabat Ekonom Senior Bank Dunia untuk India yang berbasis di New Delhi, dan untuk Malaysia yang berbasis di Bangkok. Frederico bergabung dengan Bank Dunia pada 2006 di Departemen Kebijakan dan Utang Ekonomi. Ia bekerja untuk mempertimbangkan keringanan utang untuk negara-negara miskin, pengembangan kapasitas untuk manajemen utang, dan analisis keberlanjutan utang. Sebelum bergabung dengan Bank Dunia, Frederico bekerja di Bear Stearns di New York, Amerika Serikat. Pria asal Brasil ini memegang gelar MA dan Ph.D dari Woodrow Wilson University, dan gelar BA dari Yale University.


Frederico Gil Sanders, Lead Economist, Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment World Bank Frederico coordinates the World Bank's work program with the Government of Indonesia in the fields of Macroeconomics, Fiscal Policy and Trade. Previously, Frederico served as the World Bank Senior Economist for India based in New Delhi, and for Malaysia based in Bangkok. Frederico joined the World Bank in 2006 in the Department of Economic Debt and Policy. He worked to consider debt relief for poor countries, develop capacity for debt management, and analyze debt sustainability. Prior to joining the World Bank, Frederico worked at Bear Stearns in New York, United States. This Brazilian man holds an MA and Ph.D degree from Woodrow Wilson University, and a BA from Yale University.

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