Nurma Larasati

Founder, Halallocal

Nurma Larasati, Chief Technology Officer Astrajingga. Nurma adalah lulusan University of Leicester, Inggris, dan mengambil program S2 Software Engineering for Financial Services. Bersama Muhammad Senoyodha Brennaf sebagai CEO Astrajingga, keduanya menciptakan aplikasi Monicca dan Halal Local dan menang di ajang kompetisi startup HiSTAR Competition 2016 di Inggris. Kedua proyek ini merupakan aplikasi robo-advisor, penasihat keuangan (financial advisor) digital dan otomatis yang didukung dengan kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) yang canggih, serta aplikasi marketplace dan informasi mengenai wisata halal atau halal tourism di Indonesia.


Nurma Larasati, Chief Technology Officer of Astrajingga. Nurma is a graduate of the University of Leicester, UK, and is undergoing a Master’s Program in Software Engineering for Financial Services. Together with Muhammad Senoyodha Brennaf as CEO of Astrajingga, both of them created the Monicca and Halal Local application and won the startup competition in HiSTAR Competition 2016 in the UK. Both of these projects are robo-advisor applications, digital and automatic financial advisors supported by sophisticated artificial intelligence, as well as marketplace applications and information on halal tourism in Indonesia.

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