Muhammad Sulthan Farras Nanz

M. Sulthan Farras Nanz,  mahasiswa S1 Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis UGM, yang sehari-hari menggeluti ekosistem startup digital. Mulai dari perencanaan bisnis, penyelesaian kasus bisnis, dan strategi pengembangan startup. Selama 2019, ia menorehkan sederetan prestasi; menjadi finalis dalam Startup Turkey Global Summit, Juara Pertama JENIUS Hackathon yang digelar BTPN, dan pemenang ketiga IOFIN Hackathon dari Badan Pembangunan PBB (UNDP) Indonesia. Pengalamannya di dunia startup membuat Sulthan Farras dipercaya sebagai Wakil Project Manager untuk Google Business Group (GBG) Night 2017. Pehobi musik ini juga menjadi sukarelawan Gerakan Nasional 1000 Startup Digital 2016-2017 dan menjadi Koordinator Google Gapura Digital 2017.


M. Sulthan Farras Nanz, Bachelor of Management student at the Faculty of Business Economics UGM, who is currently developing a digital startup ecosystem. Starting from business planning, business case settlement, and startup development strategies. During 2019, he made a series of achievements; became a finalist in Startup Turkey Global Summit, First Winner of the JENIUS Hackathon held by BTPN, and third winner IOFIN Hackathon from the United Nations Development Agency (UNDP) Indonesia. His experience in the startup world made Sulthan Farras trusted as Deputy Project Manager for the Google Business Group (GBG) Night 2017. This music enthusiast also volunteered for the 2016-2017 Digital 1000 National Startup Movement and became the 2017 Google Digital Gate Coordinator.

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