Redempta Tete Bato

Director, Sumba Hospitality Foundation

Redempta  Tete Bato merupakan Direktur di Tete Bridging Future Institute, sebuah LSM di Lombok Tengah yang berfokus pada pengurangan angka putus sekolah menengah dan memberdayakan perempuan penyandang disabilitas di NTB. Pada Agustus 2018, Lembaga ini membuat proyek  berjudul Eco-Hand Weaving: from Nature to Nurture. Program ini melatih penenun perempuan menggunakan pewarna alami, meningkatkan nilai produk, sekaligus memperhatikan kesehatan penenun. Melalui program Twice Exceptional Community, Redempta juga memberdayakan perempuan penyandang disabilitas di NTB melalui program Peningkatan Bahasa Inggris. Saat ini ia juga berstatus PNS di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah.


Redempta Tete Bato is Director of Tete Bridging Future Institute, an NGO in Central Lombok that focuses on reducing secondary school dropouts and empowering women with disabilities in NTB. In August 2018, the Institute created a project entitled Eco-Hand Weaving: from Nature to Nurture. This program trains female weavers to use natural dyes, increases product value, while paying attention to the health of weavers. Through the Twice Exceptional Community program, Redempta also empowers women with disabilities in NTB through the English Language Improvement program. Currently she is also a civil servant working for Central Lombok District Government.


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