Meybi Agnesya Lomanledo

Co-founder, Timor Moringa Organik Indonesia Field School

Meybi Agnesya Lomanledo, Co-founder, Sekolah Lapangan Timor Moringa Organik Indonesia (SL-TMOI). Ia mengkreasi daun kelor yang penuh gizi menjadi cokelat yang digemari oleh kalangan kelas menengah atas dengan mengusung  brand Timor Moringa.  Lewat program Moringa as Feed, Moringa as Food, Moringa as Fertilizer, dan Moringa as Farm, finalis Duta Petani Muda 2018 berupaya memanfaatkan semua unsur kelor untuk kepentingan masyarakat. SL-TMOI berdiri pada Agustus 2018. Selain sudah memiliki empat petani binaan, lembaga tersebut juga sudah memberikan berbagai macam pelatihan kepada puluhan warga Desa di Flores. Meybi menerima penghargaan dari Kapal Api dan sejumlah perusahaan yang menaruh perhatian pada wirausaha sosial.


Meybi Agnesya Lomanledo, Co-founder, Indonesian Organic Timor Moringa Field School (SL-TMOI). She makes chocolate out of the highly nutritious Moringa leaves and this is highly favored by the upper middle class. The product was branded Timor Moringa.  Through the “Moringa as Food, Moringa as Fertilizer, and Moringa as Farm” Program, theis finalists of the 2018 Young Farmers Ambassador Competition tries to use all elements of Moringa for the benefit of the community. SL-TMOI was established in August 2018. In addition to having four assisted farmers, the institution has also provided various types of training to dozens of villagers in Flores. Meybi received an award from Kapal Api and a number of companies that appreciated works in social entrepreneurship.

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