IDF2019 will be held at the Jakarta Convention Centre on 22-23 July 2019. The theme is Mission Possible: Seizing the Opportunities of Future Work to Drive Inclusive Growth.
Indonesia is currently experiencing a change in its population structure. The working-age population – those aged between 15 and 64 - is growing. By 2030, the number of people of productive age is projected to reach just over 200 million people or approximately 68 percent of the population, making Indonesia the country with the largest working age population in Southeast Asia. This change in population structure provides an opportunity to drive economic growth, provided that Indonesia can create productive employment opportunities to meet the needs of the expanding workforce.
Job creation and reducing unemployment is an important goal, but economic growth also needs to be inclusive. This means creating decent jobs and ensuring that vulnerable groups have access to employment and economic opportunities. Newly-created jobs will also require workers with the right skills and knowledge. The Indonesian government has adopted a range of strategies to address these issues, including increasing investment in labor-intensive projects and in growth sectors such as tourism, creative economy and digital economy, improving the investment and employment climate, and promoting entrepreneurship. The government has also invested in improving the quality and relevance of vocational education and training and higher education, providing better access to quality basic education, and increasing the participation of vulnerable groups in the labor market.
Going forward, Indonesia will face a number of challenges in its efforts to create employment opportunities, including developments in technology, changes in people's lifestyles, and a limited window in which to take advantage of its demographic bonus. Addressing these challenges requires new ways of thinking and new approaches. There are opportunities to learn from the experiences of other countries and from successful practices implemented by local and national governments, the private sector, and development partners.
The 2019 Indonesia Development Forum aims to generate ideas and insights on preparing future workers, creating decent jobs, driving structural transformation, and ensuring that equitable, inclusive and sustainable development outcomes. These efforts support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 8, which aims to ‘promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’, and Goal 9, which aims to ‘build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation’, as well as other relevant goals. The forum will explore a range of issues related to the central theme.
The organizing committee invites submissions from academics and researchers, development practitioners, representatives of NGOs and civil society groups, government, and the private sector which contribute to the theme of IDF 2019: ‘Mission Possible: Seizing the Opportunities of Future Work to Drive Inclusive Growth’.
Proposal Categories
Submissions must address the conference theme, and fit into one of the following categories:
Submissions are due by 23:59 WIB on 11 April 2019. Late Submissions are due by 23:59 WIB on 26 April 2019. All submissions will be peer reviewed. Notifications of acceptance will be provided by 10 May 2019. Submissions must be made online through the IDF website:
Submissions must be made using the online form and include the following details:
Submissions may be in either English or Indonesian.
Authors whose proposals for papers or pitches will be asked to provide a full paper, practice paper or description of their idea or innovation. Please see below for further information on the format.
Best Papers and Pitches
The IDF organizing committee will select three best papers and three pitches based on a review. Authors of these papers will be given an opportunity to publish in an international journal and/or present at an Australian conference. The committee will also select the best performance, best article, best video, and best infographic. Winners will have their work profiled through IDF’s media partners.
The organizing committee is committed to ensuring that women, people with a disability and other marginalized groups are represented at IDF. We will aim to ensure that there is a balance of male and female presenters across the program. We will also make reasonable accommodations to ensure that people with a disability can present at IDF. Please indicate what your needs are in the online submission form.
Papers for parallel sessions
Proposals for papers to be presented in parallel sessions should provide an extended abstract of no more than 1000 words (2 pages). Please indicate whether the paper is intended for an Inspire, Imagine, or Innovate session in the online submission form.
Papers should be directly relevant to the theme and one of the sub-themes. Papers can be based on research or based on evidence from best practice. When selecting papers, reviewers will consider the following questions:
Research-based papers
Practice-based papers
Pitches for the Ideas and Innovations Marketplace
Pitches for presentation in the Ideas and Innovations Marketplace should include a description of no more than 500 words (1 page).
Pitches should be directly relevant to the theme and one of the sub-themes. When selecting pitches, reviewers will consider the following questions:
Arts or cultural performances
Proposals for arts or cultural performances for presentation in the ‘Art, Culture and Development’ session should include a description of no more than 500 words (1 page). Proposals should be directly relevant to the theme and one of the sub-themes.
Submissions of ideas should be directly relevant to the theme and one of the sub-themes. The format for submissions of ideas is provided below.
Articles/blogs should be a maximum of 1000 words and include an 8-12 word title (maximum 70 characters) and a photograph (500 pixels). The title cannot be the same as the theme or sub-themes for IDF2019. Promote your blog on social media by mentioning @IDDevForum and using the hashtags #IDF2019, #KerjaLayak and #PekerjaProduktif.
Videos/vlogs should be a maximum of 3 minutes long (maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080) and include a one paragraph description. Upload your vlog/video to YouTube and include the hashtags # IDF2019, #KerjaLayak and #PekerjaProduktif. You will also need to include the YouTube link on the online submission form. Your video/vlog will be shown on the @IDDevForum YouTube channel.
Infographics should be 1080x1080 pixels and include a one paragraph description. Upload your infographic to Instagram and include the @IDDevForum tag and the # IDF2019 , #KerjaLayak and #PekerjaProduktif hashtags. Infographics will be published on the @IDDevForum Instagram account.
If your proposal for a paper for a parallel session or a pitch for is accepted, you will be asked to submit a full paper, practice paper or description of your idea or innovation. You will also be asked to provide a short biography of no more than 150 words. These should be submitted by 25 June 2019.
Papers for parallel sessions
Papers and practice papers should be no more than 5000 words (10 pages), not including tables, charts or graphics.
Full papers (research-based) should include:
Practice papers (practice-based) should include:
Practice papers may include videos and/or infographics but should include the elements described above.
Descriptions of ideas or innovations should be no more than 2000 words (4 pages), not including tables, charts or graphics.
Descriptions of ideas and innovations should include:
Descriptions of ideas and innovations may be in the form of videos and/or infographics but should include the elements described above.
Submissions open : 29 January 2019
Submissions close : 11 April 2019
Late Submission : 26 April 2019
Notification of acceptance : 10 May 2019
Full papers/practice descriptions due : 25 June 2019
IDF 2019 : 22-23 July 2019
Proposals submitted after the 11th of April 2019 are subject to availability of space. Proposals are reviewed within 1-2 weeks of submission. To meet one of the registration deadlines listed above, please make sure your proposal is submitted in time to receive a response prior to the deadline.
Australia Awards recipients currently studying at universities in Australia are strongly encouraged to make a submission. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has funding available to cover the costs of a small, select group of Australia Awards recipients to present their work at IDF. Please indicate whether you are an Australia Awards recipient on the online submission form.
For further information, please visit or contact us via email at