First held in 2017, the Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) is an international conference hosted by Bappenas. IDF provides a platform for development practitioners in the public, private, and non-profit sectors to meet and exchange ideas. Presentations from experts and practitioners highlight research, insights, smart practices and lessons learned, from the grassroots to the national level, as well as international experiences relevant to the Indonesian context. Through interactive sessions, the forum promotes new thinking and approaches to addressing Indonesia’s key development challenges.

Unfortunately, due to protocols related to minimizing the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia, the IDF 2020’s main event, planned to be held in Bali, was postponed. To make up for the postponement, the organizers decided to include the themes of the 2020 edition into the 2021 edition, combining the themes of both editions into one event. The 2021 event will now be run under the theme of “Indonesia’s Future Industrialization Paradigm: Value Creation and Adaptive Capacity for Socio-Economic Transformation”. Through this revised theme, IDF hopes to encourage this year’s participants and speakers to come up with ideas related to industrialization strategies in Indonesia, specifically regarding ways to improve production capacity, human resource quality and also how to effectively respond to digitalization.

The discourses discussed at IDF 2021 is expected to help complete, strengthen and improve the effectiveness of policies relating to industrial development as it would play a role in Indonesia’s economic recovery and social reformation efforts as well as to fulfill the country’s vision of becoming an advanced, fair, and prosperous nation.