First held in 2017, the Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) is an international conference hosted by Bappenas. IDF provides a platform for development practitioners in the public, private, and non-profit sectors to meet and exchange ideas. Presentations from experts and practitioners highlight research, insights, smart practices and lessons learned, from the grassroots to the national level, as well as international experiences relevant to the Indonesian context. Through interactive sessions, the forum promotes new thinking and approaches to addressing Indonesia’s key development challenges.
IDF aims to:
IDF is supported by the Australian Governmentthrough the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI), and other development partners.
IDF is structured around four ‘phases’: inspire, imagine, innovate, and initiate. The first three phases take place over the course of the two-day forum. Following the main IDF event, a series of ‘Initiate’ workshops are held to develop concrete policy recommendations.
Inspire sessions highlight best practices from Indonesia and internationally. These aim to showcase approaches to addressing development challenges that are already working. Speakers from across Indonesia and the globe will present examples of effective policies and practices, based on research and evidence.
Imagine sessions encourage participants to envision a more inclusive, progressive and sustainable future for Indonesia. Speakers will prompt participants to think about how Indonesia can move towards this future and discuss the kinds of policies needed to achieve it.
Innovate sessions present new ideas and solutions for tackling Indonesia’s development challenges. Speakers from national and local governments, grassroots and civil society organizations, development partners, and the private sector will describe novel approaches, services and technologies that they have developed to better meet development needs or overcome challenges.
Initiate sessions enable policymakers and development actors to outline their plans for action, based on discussions throughout the forum. What ideas can policymakers take forward to inform national and local development plans? What innovations can be scaled up or replicated? And how can stakeholders continue to work together to deliver on these commitments?
Engaging Keynote Speakers
IDF aims to present ideas in a way that engages participants and is relevant to them. TEDTalk-style presentations from leading development thinkers and practitioners introduce key ideas and set the stage for sessions over the two days.
Interactive Parallel Sessions
IDF aims to promote active discussion between participants. This recognizes that both speakers and participants have valuable ideas and experiences to contribute. Facilitators will use a range of techniques to promote participation and interaction, such as fishbowl, world café, scenario thinking, and future search.
Graphic Recording
Graphic recording in plenary and parallel sessions enables participants’ ideas to be captured as the discussion is taking place. Key words, phrases, images and symbols create a visual representation of the themes, insights and perspectives emerging from the discussion.
Ideas and Innovations Marketplace
An Ideas and Innovations Marketplace provides a space for participants to learn about new solutions to development challenges - innovative technologies, fresh approaches, or new products and services – and identify opportunities for collaboration. Speakers will present a short pitch and answer questions from participants.
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