From Agricultural Investment to Local Traditions in NTT, Introduction to the  IDF 2019Competition Winners

October 03, 2019

Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Bambang Brodjonegoro with the winners.

The Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) 2019 selected the ten best speakers from various proposal categories; Papers, Brief Exposures, Art or Culture, and Ideas. The ten winners were awarded directly by the Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Bambang Brodjonegoro during the IDF Closing, July 23, 2019 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). This year, IDF carried the theme “Mission Possible: Seizing the Opportunities of Future Work to Drive Inclusive Growth”. 

There are three winners of the Paper Writing Competition of IDF 2019.  First, Kharisma Bintang Alghazy, member of the Business Licensing Regulatory Reform Team, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs. Kharisma presented her paper entitled "Food Crop Economic Policy Package: Solutions for Improving the Investment Climate and Employment Creation". In her presentation, Kharisma mentioned that one of the strategic policies to create jobs is to encourage investment or investment participation by first improving the investment climate, including in agriculture. 

"The government must pay attention to the agricultural sector as it can provide jobs to the people, and the government must maintain the investment climate in the agricultural sector," Kharisma said at the Inspire Session entitled “Improving the Investment Climate for Employment Creation”. Kharisma’s presentation is part of IDF Sub-Theme 4 2019, Improving the Investment Climate for Employment Creation.

Second, Nika Pratama, Researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences’ (LIPI) Economic Research Center. Nika's presentation related to Sub-Theme 5: Developing Globally Competitive Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises entitled "How Should Government Promote Competitiveness of Indonesia's Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Borderless Trade Era?" Nika explained the problems, challenges, and dynamics of Indonesia's MSMEs in the e-commerce era related to global competition, as well as the opportunities that had not yet been explored. 

"We conducted a survey, the findings are: 90 percent of shoppers know that they can shop abroad. This provides advantages, but there are also negative impacts to local traders," Nika said in her presentation at the Imagine Session entitled “Developing Globally Competitive Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises”.

Third, Dyah Pritadrajati, consultant at the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI). Dyah gave a presentation from Sub-Theme 2: Reforming the Vocational Education and Training System (TVET) for Future Jobs. She presented the results of her study entitled "From School to Work: Does Vocational Education Improve Labor Market Outcomes?" Through this research, Prita responded to the government policy regarding the expansion of vocational education programs in Indonesia.

“Vocational schools give the biggest contribution to reduce unemployment," said Prita who spoke at the Innovative Reforming the Vocational Education and Training (TVET) session for Future Jobs.

Innovators and Creators Champion IDF 2019

IDF 2019 also selected three Pitch Competition Winners. One of the winners was Sri Widuri, Education Specialist in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) who reviewed Sub-Theme 8: Improving the Quality of Human Capital. Widuri’s pitch entitled "Leave No One Behind: INNOVATION Experience in Central Lombok". The Innovation Program for Indonesian School Children (INNOVATION) is a partnership program between the Australian government and the Indonesian government.

INNOVATION uses an approach called Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) in inclusive education in Central Lombok, NTB. The INNOVATION experience applying a locally based approach in Central Lombok provides important lessons for other regions. For example, a local problem-based approach is carried out in collaboration with teachers, school principals, the community, and the Local Government. Widuri spoke at the Ideas and Innovation Market, Capturing and Sharing Knowledge.

The next winner was Mochamad Nur Ramadhani, a dentist, also a person with disability with topics related to Sub-Theme 7: Developing Local Talent and Local Markets. He created an application called "DiFer or Difable Leader" to help persons with disabilities to know, understand, and implement the leadership values and soft skills needed in the industry 4.0 era when working as an employee, academic, and or entrepreneur. At the  IDF 2019 event, Ramadhani appeared at the Ideas and Innovation Marketplace, Co-creating and Collaboration Session.

Yeti Yuli Astuti who reviewed Sub-Theme 6: Fostering Social Enterprise was also selected as the Winner of the Brief Expose Competition. She is the CEO of Sacita Muda, a social entrepreneurship community established by Padjadjaran University alumni.

"We hope academics can contribute knowledge, corporations can contribute mentors, and other parties can contribute anything relevant. This can accelerate MSMEs in the regions,“ she said when presenting in the Ideas and Innovations Marketplace, Co-creating and Collaboration Sessions.

The best art or culture performance category is awarded to Nanik Indarti, an artist with a petite figure. The performance entitled "The Same Shoes: Story of the Soul and Numbers" was featured in the Ideas and Innovations Marketplace - Connecting for Scaling Up Session. It was a story of physically small people in Indonesia who often experience discrimination, both in the world of work and other fields.

“People always question whether we can have a future. There are many things we cannot easily find: clothing for our size, high desks or counters, and so on. While actually we have the same ability as any other “normal size” people. Many of us became lecturers, dancers, choreographers and others," she explained.

Meanwhile, Ridhony Marisson Hasudungan Hutasoit, Head of the Consumer Education and Protection (EPK) Subdivision of OJK (the Financial Service Authorities) from the Southeast Sulawesi Province, won the Article / Blog Competition category.  Ridhony appeared in the Ideas and Innovation Marketplace Session, Co-creating and Collaboration presenting about "Community Learning Centers, Solutions for Creating Quality SMEs". He said to get maximum results, every program cannot be separated from collaboration.

"In collaboration, we must optimize the existing human resources. I began by arguing that a bright future could not only be reached through becoming a civil servant. Civil service is good, promoting entrepreneurial talents in these students is also important to make them independent," said Ridhony.

Khoirun Nisa 'Sri Mumpuni, one of the founders of Kitong Bisa, was named the Video Competition Winner. Kitong Bisa Enterprise is a social entrepreneurial project that educates and empowers marginalized communities in Indonesia, with a focus on women and youth, especially in eastern Indonesia to have a better future employment opportunity. At IDF 2019, Nisa spoke in the Imagine Reforming the Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Session System for Future Jobs on "Solving Unemployment in Papua and West Papua".

The Infographic Competition Category was won by Nyoman Sri Natih Sudhiastiningsih who is the Co-Founder and CEO of MENA Indonesia. MENA Indonesia seeks to help communities develop and utilize their local traditions, skills and natural environment to improve living standards and reduce social inequalities. MENA Indonesia currently works in several villages in Ngada, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). At the IDF 2019 event, Nyoman delivered a presentation entitled "Co-design to Support Village Empowerment in Ngada, East Nusa Tenggara".

Look for an article about the winners' profiles on the IDF website. Congratulations to all IDF 2019 Competition Winners!

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