Pusat Pengetahuan

Judul Penulis Kategori Tahun
Pengembangan UMKM Produk Gluten Free di Pasar Global Dr. Heny Herawati, STP. MT. Papers 2019
Urban villages: Perspectives and experiences of migrants and their families on moving from villages to cities in Indonesia Rizqan Adhima Papers 2019
Menuju Kelompok Ekonomi Agraris yang Berkelanjutan Melalui Legislasi Berkendali Data (Data-Driven Legislation): Sebuah Refleksi Metayuridis dari Gorontalo, 2013-2018 Arasy Pradana A Azis, S.H., M.H. Papers 2019
Incentive for employers to raise PwD (People with Disability) employment rate in Indonesia Yohanna Tania Papers 2019
Rich marginalized millennials through sustainable entrepreneurship in an integrated dryland farming of Eastern Nusa Tenggara Province George Malchisua Manu Papers 2019
Local Capacity of Two Performing Districts in Indonesia: A Reflection from the Implementation of Decentralised Education Risa Wardatun Nihayah Papers 2019
Pendirian dan Pengembangan Usaha Sosial Secara Mandiri dari Komunitas Rindu Sanubari Mashita Firdaus Papers 2019
Zonasi Sekolah sebagai Katalis Mobilitas Vertikal Era Revolusi Industri 4.0: Pengalaman Orde Baru, Kegagalan Amerika, dan Proyeksi Permendikbud 14/2018 Ilham Dary Athallah Papers 2019
What Are Variables that Influence Life Satisfaction? Fahrina Yuliani Papers 2019
Investigating Key Success Factor of Incheon and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Fahrina Yuliani Papers 2019
Does any differences of organizational context dimensions between garment factories that joining and not joining better work Indonesia program? Fahrina Yuliani Papers 2019
Menciptakan peluang kerja bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus dalam sektor ekonomi kreatif di Indonesia Rama Dhaniel Papers 2019
Judul Penulis Kategori Tahun
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