Pusat Pengetahuan

Judul Penulis Kategori Tahun
Meningkatkan Kualitas Data dan Kemampuan Analisis Data Terpadu Puskesmas untuk Menanggulangi Stunting: Pengalaman Mendampingi 100 Puskesmas di 56 Kabupaten dani alfah Papers 2018
Seeking Network Governance in a Decentralised Indonesia: The Case of Public Sector Innovation in Batang Regency Adyawarman Papers 2018
Budget politics and poverty in Aceh Pocut Ismyati Vonda Papers 2018
Sintang Coastal System: Pembangunan Infrastruktur Kesehatan-sanitasi Berbasis Bioteknologi M. Reza Fathari Papers 2018
Local government spending and service delivery in Indonesia: the perverse effects of substantial fiscal resources Blane D. Lewis Papers 2018
Decentralization and Education: A Case Study of the Impact of Special Autonomy to Improve Education Performances in Papua Province Yadi Hadian Papers 2018
Narrowing the Regional Disparities through the Aerial Bridge for Rural Areas in Eastern indonesia Gerry Koestoer Papers 2018
THE GOVERNMENTAL AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL STRATEGIES TO BUILD DISASTER RESILIENCE AFTER A MEGA-DISASTER Case study: Aceh Province, Indonesia after 2004 the Indian Ocean Tsunami Siswani Sari Papers 2018
Do the “missing middle” more likely insecured? alin fadhlina hayati Papers 2018
SLRT as a Single Window Service for the Poor to Help Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Delivery of Social Services Abdurrahman Syebubakar Papers 2018
‘A Lifestyle Disease’: How Indonesian Health Professionals Perceive Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) Yuni Dwi Setiyawati Papers 2018
The evolution of socioeconomic inequalities in healthcare utilisation in Indonesia: 1993 to 2014 Joko Mulyanto Papers 2018
Judul Penulis Kategori Tahun
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