The Role of Imported Intermediate Inputs in Firms’ Productivity and Exports: Evidence from Indonesia | Deasy Damayanti Putri Pane | ANU, Bappenas (PhD Student - Staf di Direktorat Perdagangan, Investasi dan KEI Bappenas.) |
The Tourism Regional Planning Concept to Minimalize Leakage and Stimulate the Local Workforce. Study case: Banyuwangi | Monitta Putri Lisa Mary | Monash University (Australia Awards Scholarship Awardee - Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management) |
Industry 4.0 in Textile and Garment Industry: BRIDG.IT for Sustainable Jobs | Bianca Putri Ramadhani | H&M (Sustainability Project Leader - Sustainability) |
From School to Work: Does Vocational Education Improve Labour Market Outcomes? | Dyah Pritadrajati | Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) (Consultant - Global Multidimensional Poverty Index Team) |
Introducing the entrepreneurship curriculum to improve high school graduates’ entrepreneurial skills: A case study of a private school in Makassar | Kalvin Sandabunga | Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan (Curriculum Coordinator and Teacher Trainer - Senior School Department) |
ProEd (Programming Education) Sebagai Program Unggulan Peningkatan Human Capital Menghadapi Bonus Demografi Indonesia 2030 | Ahmad Lutfi Karim | Universitas Gadjah Mada (Mahasiswa - Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian) |
Toward Professional Meaningful Vocational Training and Strong Nationalism in Indonesia: A 1-year development Conscription to bridge the new “pra kerja” and High School graduates to the Job market, and Indonesian Unity | Marlon Arthur Huwae | Macquarie University (Researcher - Faculty of Arts Macquarie University) |
Pemanfaatan Youtube bagi Lulusan SMK di Indonesia | Endra Sulistyono | Kementerian Keuangan (Analis - Koordinasi Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan) |
Enabling Inclusive Opportunity for Women in Village Development through Cash Labour Intensive in Village (PKTD) Program | Agus Pratiwi | Article 33 Indonesia (Program Manager & Researcher - Social Development) |
MagangIn: Alternatif Penciptaan Pasar Kerja Inklusif Disabilitas | Marthella Rivera Roidatua | Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi (Peneliti Ahli Pertama Bidang Kebijakan Sosial - Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan) |
Zona Produksi (NaSi) | Francesco Hugo | Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia (Anggota - Sosial Budaya) |
Never Okay Project: Combatting sexual harassment at the workplace one step at a time | Priliantina Bebasari | Never Okay Project (Research Volunteer - Research) |
Tren Gig Economy: Perlindungan Terhadap Perempuan Pekerja Layanan Domestik Sesuai Permintaan Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Kerja Layak | Purnama Sari Pelupessy | Sang Akar Institute (Direktur - Divisi Akademik dan Program Pendidikan Divisi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Divisi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Divisi Jaringan Divisi Keuangan ) |
Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi Tanaman Pangan : Solusi Perbaikan Iklim Investasi dan Penciptaan Lapangan Kerja | Kharisma Bintang Alghazy | Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian (Anggota Tim Reformasi Regulasi Perizinan Berusaha - Tim Reformasi Regulasi Perizinan Berusaha) |
Igniting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indonesia Through Free Trade Agreements (FTA): Learning from Vietnam’s Experience | Alwin Adityo | Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) (Peneliti Junior - Divisi Perbankan Internasional, Departemen Penelitian dan Pengaturan Perbankan ) |
How Should Government Promote Competitiveness of Indonesia's Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Borderless Trade Era? | Nika Pranata | Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) (Peneliti - Pusat Penelitian Ekonomi) |
Transforming Employment in Agriculture by Enabling Social Forestry Coffee Market | Dimas Fauzi | World Resources Institute Indonesia (Research Analyst - Social Forestry and Energy Program) |
MARKET HELPER | Ruth Euselfvita Oppusunggu | Interior Design, School of Design, Pelita Harapan University (Part time lecturer - Interior Design, School of Design) |
Aquaculture 4.0: Transforming Indonesia’s Future Fisheries SMEs | Muhammad Nabil Satria Faradis, S.T. | the University of Melbourne (Australia Awards Scholarship Awardee - Master of Engineering (Mechanical with Business)) |
Implementasi Block Chain pada Platform Equity Crowd Funding untuk Memperluas Akses Permodalan UMKM | M. Sulthan Farras Nanz | Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada (Mahasiswa - Business) |
Poverty and Waste, Is it crucial? The Role of Social Enterpreneurship in Ending Poverty and Waste Problem | Evan Filbert | Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (Mahasiswa - Program Studi S-1 Teknik Industri) |
Menciptakan Praktik Usaha Pertanian yang Adil dan Berkelanjutan melalui Model Usaha Sosial berbasis Komunitas: Kasus Praktik Baik Komunitas 1000Kebun, Bandung | Hilda Arum Nurbayyanti | AKATIGA Pusat Analisis Sosial (Peneliti - Divisi Penelitian) |
Ruang Untuk Kawan | Muhammad Nur Abdillah | The Local Enablers (Researcher - Sacita Research) |
Leveraging procurement to support social enterprises and create social impacts | Febe Amelia Haryanto | UNSW Sydney (Mahasiswa - Master of Commerce (Global Sustainability & Social Enterprise)) |
Empowering women’s small-scale businesses in East Nusa Tenggara through platforms to access a wider market | Venansius Thomas Kapitan Openg | Australian National University (Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development - College of Art and Social Science) |
Promoting Inclusive Growth by Improving the Productivity and Sustainability of Smallholder Coffee Farmers in Sumatra | Amri Ilmma | Enveritas (Project Manager - Project manager for Indonesia operations) |
Asset Based Community Development Desa Cangkorah | Pius Suratman Kartasasmita | Center for Human Development and Social Justice - Parahyangan Catholic University (Chair - -) |
Aplikasi “Difabel-Leader” sebagai Akselerator Targetan SDGs di Era 4.0 | drg. Mochamad Nur Ramadhani | CV. Wijaya Medika (Dokter Gigi - Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut) |
E-Training: A Solution for Improving Local Talents and Local SMEs to be More Competitive Globally | Yulisyah Putri Daulay, S.T. | Monash University - Australia Awards (Master of Project Management - Master of Project Management at Monash University) |
Jaga Jong: Platform Dari dan Bagi Pemuda Desa | Fathan Nurul Abdillah | Pralapa (Co-founder - -) |
A Holistic Approach to Creating Inclusive Employment Opportunities for Low-income Communities | Talitha Amalia | Solve Education! (Direktur - Education and Development) |
From Education to Employability: Preparing Indonesian Youth health worker for the job- Case study of Pencerah Nusantara | Zakiyah eke | Center for Indonesia's Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI) (Coordinator - Research and Development) |
Leave no one behind: INOVASI’s experience in Central Lombok | Sri Widuri | Innovation for Indonesia's School Children (INOVASI) (INOVASI NTB Education Adviser - West Nusa Tenggara, Provincial Team) |
Program Advanced Technology for Midwife's Assistance (ATMA) untuk meningkatkan program perencanaan persalinan dan pencegahan komplikasi (P4K) di Lombok, Indonesia | Moya Aritisna Dyah Martiningtyas | The University of Sydney (Postgraduate Student - School of Public Health ) |
Strategic Use of Social Media for Mental Health Promotion | Fatma Aldila | School of Public Health and Community Medicine - The University of New South Wales (Student - School of Public Health and Community Medicine) |
22-26 Juni 2018 : Registrasi online (konfirmasi, formulir, biodata singkat dan foto)
22-26 Juni 2018 : Pengumpulan makalah lengkap
26 Juni 2018 : Pengumpulan draf presentasi
26 Juni 2018 - 2 Juli 2018 : Kurasi presentasi oleh fasilitator
09 Juli 2018 : Gladi bersih di lokasi acara
10-11 Juli 2018 : Presentasi di IDF 2018