• Taufik Hidayadi
    Taufik Hidayadi
    TTL : Magetan 01-02-1974 Pendidikan Terakhir S2 PSTTI Universitas Indonesia S1 Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

Analysis of Economic Disparity in Jabodetabek Region During 2010 – 2017



Ideally national development that has been done in Indonesia is to elevate welfare among people fairly and evenly. Based on this ideal purpose we can state that the elevation of the welfare can not be separated from the efforts of even distribution of development results in all areas. Not to mention that we found the fact about disparity among the regions that quite high in numbers. Economic development is a process where society use their resources to form a partnership pattern between the local government and the private sector to create job vacancies and trigger the economic growth within the region. So, economic development policy need to be done in order to achieve high economic growth by using all the resources in region. High economic growth only has low impact in solving the problem of poverty, because still found people with low income level in a region that has high economic growth. Economic growth fails to reduce, even to eliminate, the absolute poverty. A rapid growth of PDB is not automatically reflects the increasing of standard of living That is why we need to have this research to analize the disparity among Jabodetabek during 2010–2017 in economic aspects. The approach that we will use in this research is the taxonomic method. Partially, we standardize it to decide the rank of every region based on economic variables during 2010–2017. Based on that development indexes we can decide the characteristic of the region according to the aspects examinated.

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