• A Muh Hijaz Jalil
    A Muh Hijaz Jalil
    Freelance di bidang ilmu kelautan sebagai surveyor ikan karang dan pemetaan sebagai tenaga SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) dengan pengalaman selama 13 tahun diberbagai konsultan nasional dan juga international.

Settlement Dynamics in Outermost Small Island: case study Sebatik Islands



Increasing population is relatively linear with space requirements, primarily for shelter. The rate of population growth reaching 4 million per year (1.49%) is still relatively high. the availability of residential space will be increasingly limited and narrowed each year. On the other hand, the government's responsibility to provide basic infrastructure will also increase. The density of the population in the limited area is relatively sluggish, the increase of poverty and so on. This phenomenon occurred at the mainland (big island) and small island. Indonesia as the largest archipelago country, has 17,506 islands whereas 2,342 are inhabitants. Limitations of space on the small island becomes a challenge to be faced. This phenomenon also occurs in Sebatik Island, one of the outermost small island, with a very unique conditions, divided into 2 (two) countries with dense population. Therefore, the government's responsibility specially in doing spatial governance and in providing infrastructure specially the small island needs more attention from all stakeholder specifically planners. This research will examine community accessibility in Sebatik Island to basic infrastructure and optimization of spatial availability using variables such as population number, settlement distribution, land use and infrastructure location. This research use geographic information system to defined population concentration and accessibility to basic infrastructure. The results obtained from this research are potential locations developed for settlements in terms of accessibility to basic infrastructure.

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