Online education and training in BMKG are so important to be implemented, especially PMG Ahli Functional Training, this is because there are still many employees who have not accommodated in the training while the budget ability to organize the training more limited. or many countries with large populations, limited resources and remote and fragmented geographical areas such as Indonesia, e-learning holds the key to better education and provides better access to knowledge resources. The desired competence in this online training is built through the provision of materials and tasks of observation, management, and service in the field of meteorology, climatology, and geophysics. The research method used in this study is to use the method of extraction from case studies of the application of online training methods in PMG Functional Training of Experts at BMKG. The tools used in this training are online applications using WIZIQ and online applications using Learning Management System (LMS). Education and Training of PMG Functional Professionals through online training strategies is especially on facilitator and teacher roles, curriculum, learning methods and evaluation techniques are able to answer the needs of employee competencies that will be important before serving the functional position of PMG Ahli.