Universal under age two children screening for nutritional deficiencies should be beneficial to outreach many more newborn and children at risk for stunting. But in most part of Indonesia, capacity in classifying measurement in accordance to nutrition standard are limited to nutrition staff which have left many stunted children remain late-detected or undetected. This paper shows a tested tested application software (e-PPGBM) reaching nearly half population of children under age two in Indonesia, and the Ministry of Health expect to reach the other half more in the coming 2 year. Being set up in Google Play on android smartphone has allowed Health Offices to massively scale the uptake of this software by village midwives and kader. The system has successfully overcome capacity gap among non-nutrition background workers by automatically classifying the measurement of age, height and weight in accordance to the WHO anthropometric guidelines. It helps the village midwives and kader track and determine instantly if the infant growing adequately at the normal rate. E-ppgbm benefits not only the field staff for improving and saving time on the job at hand, but also helps the supervisors and local program and budget owners to watch over stunting intervention transparently. Ultimately, malnutrition can be identified much sooner by the village midwives and kader.