• Tutik Rachmawati
    Tutik Rachmawati
    Tutik Rachmawati, PhD holds a bachelor degree in public administration – Gadjah Mada University, a master degree in development studies from the Institute of Social Studies Erasmus University The Netherlands and a PhD degree in Local Government Studies from Birmingham University United Kingdom. She is the Head of Public Administration Department, Parahyangan Catholic University, a research fellow in Center for Public Policy and Management Studies (CPMS) and also in Center of Excellent in Small and Medium Enterprise Develoment Parahyangan Catholic. She has won several fellowships such as STUNED- the Netherlands Government, Japan-Indonesian Presidential Scholarship (JIPS), Summer University - Central European…

Power & Interest is interwoven: An Analysis of Stakeholder Involvement in Animation and Telematics Development Policy in Cimahi City



For a public policy to be effectively worked, it requires the active involvement of all stakeholders, particularly in the public policy formulation and implementation stage. This is also the case for local economic development policy in Cimahi city which employ city branding approach. An early survey indicated that the level of involvement from the stakeholders as both the leading sector, the office of communication, informatics, records and library (Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika, Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan) as well as Cimahi Community, is significantly low in both stage. This paper aims at critically analyze the stakeholder involvement in Animation and Telematics Development policy in cimahi city. Using a Reed’s method of typology of stakeholder analysis, this paper analyse data from official documents review, interviews with 10 key persons representing 10 governmental offices and survey result of 447 respondents. It is evident that that most technical and coordinating offices are fall into the category of subjects and key players. Interestingly except a business community called Cimahi Creative Association (CCA), citizens are act as crowd stakeholders. Furthermore, as several binary logistic models are performed, it is known that residents and business community of Baros area have low level of involvement in policy formulation and implementation. This paper suggests that the policy is top down and alienate the local people, thus prone to be futile.

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