UP3 (Unit Pengembangan Perlebahan) Gunung Arca is one of the honey bee development center and pilot plan for honey bee in West Java, owned by Perhutani. UP3 Gunung Arca suffered a loss caused by the decrease of forage, poor management and lack of collaboration in any stakeholder to developing beekeeping business ecosystem. This study presented collaboration model in order to escalate the beekeeping business in UP3 Gunung Arca. The model approached on multi stakeholder based, in order to awaken the interest of stakeholders to actively collaborating and build the ecosystems that accommodate any interest, entrepreneurship and collaboration axis, called Pentahelix Model. Data carried out by literature review and group discussion from many stakeholder. Pentahelix model involve five stakeholder from different area, ABCGM (Academic-Business-Community-Government-Media) through synergistic collaboration. The pentahelix model in UP3 Gunung Arca acquired the support system from five stakeholder, such as academic from Padjadjaran University or Bogor Agricultural University, Business from API (Asosiasi Perlebahan Indonesia), Local community around the UP3 Gunung Arca, Government from The Regional Development Planning of Sukabumi District and Media through the local and online media.