Saya lahir di Magelang, bekerja sebagai peneliti di litbang kementrian LHK sejak tahun 2010.

Feasibility of waste management options in Putri Cempo Landfill, Surakarta, Indonesia.



Putri Cempo landfill is the only landfill for Surakarta. The landfill operates as an open dumping and it can accommodate 313.5 ton municipal waste/day. However, based on its capacity, the landfill should have been closed by 2008. In 2016, the local government planned to use the waste for energy (WtE) by using gasification plasma technology. However, the project operates under government subsidy. This study aims to compare a feasibility of waste management options in Putri Cempo landfill through three scenarios; open dumping, composting organic waste and WtE. Material flow and total energy analysis were employed to assess pollutants and resources needed for each option, respectively. The result showed that emergy investment of open dumping was the lowest among other scenarios but it generates the highest environmental consequences. Meanwhile, composting organic waste had a higher emergy investment than open dumping but lower than WtE. Products of composting are compost and a separated inorganic waste which both have economic value. However, because the compost will be produced from mixed waste, the quality will be low. Emergy investment of WtE was the highest. However, it will generate electricity and slag. Yet, a benefit-cost ratio showed production cost exceeded the benefits. Without government subsidy, the project will be a loss. In conclusion, composting organic waste in the landfill will have the highest feasibility, but to raise compost quality, waste separation from the waste stream is necessary.

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