The governance on implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was regulated in the President’s Regulation Number 59/2017 which stated that the national and sub-national government have to arrange an action plan on the SDGs implementation. However, an exploration on the way of executing the plans is still lack of investigation. Focusing on the “no one left behind” and “innovation” principles, it seems that most of the people involved in the implementation are bureaucrats and there is a limited opportunity to emerge innovations in the SDGs implementation. Dealing with the problem, it seems necessary to not only establish a formal coordination team to make an SDGs action plan but also create a "co-creation platform" for its execution. This platform acts as a “collaborative platform” for solving prioritized SDGs issues in a sub-national level. This paper aims to investigate the design of co-creation platform in regency level by taking Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung Province as a case study. This investigation is based on a qualitative analysis of related documents and interviews. Preliminarily, We found that a co-creation platform can be built by taking the key and most committed stakeholder (government, private, NGO, citizens) from the formal coordination team and collaborate their resources in implementing innovative ideas to cope with the prioritized SDGs issues. The resources can be human capital, legal framework, or finance. By creating a small team in the co-creation platform to focus on the implementation of a specific local small-scale innovative project, SDGs may be achieved quickly.