• Dwi Sulistyawati
    Dwi Sulistyawati
    S1. Lulus 1994: Desain Interior di Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta S2. Lulus 2008: Magister Teknik Arsitektur di Universitas risakti Jakarta S3. On Going : Ilmu Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung Profesi Sebagai Dosen tetap di Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain di Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta




In recent decades, the relationship between lifestyle and physical environment has attracted the attention of researchers from social sciences or professionals in the field of design. The word 'lifestyle' shows human beings and their actions, related to all human activities physically, in the form of human interaction with each other or with space as a container for their physical environment. People who are space users can experience changes in character and behavior, both the influence of internal and external factors and result in responses to their environment. These changes depend on how and what the individual concerned can be affected and affects the circumstances in the surrounding environment. The physical environment in the form of Space is very important for the container of human activity. When human activity is in space, then consciously or unconsciously there is a regulation of the needs of the facilities and support in the space that can affect the quality of life or vice versa. Visual Space is a view of space that results in response actions, including a person's description and preferences, emotional responses or behavioral tendencies that arise in the interaction of humans with their physical environment while carrying out activities where they are. Shoping Mall is one of the buildings that functions as a facility and infrastructure, which can be one of the facilitators of behavior in meeting shopping needs both material (tangible) and inmaterial (intangible), Facilities and infrastructure along with the changing times from time to time are caused by several conditions that influence it, so in this case the author will examine Visual Space shoping Mall in the contemporary social and cultural perspective of Indonesian Millennials as users in using their physical settings. The roles of the Millennials include the Baby Boomer generation (Born 1943-1960), Generation X (born 1961-1981), Generation Y (born 1982-2004), Generation Z (born 2005-present). The method for getting the results of this study is to use the Triangulation method with sources, namely by comparing and checking the degree of trustworthiness of information obtained through different times and tools. Beginning with the Quantitative method to determine the Sample, then the sample was chosen to determine the respondents used as data for further research, namely by using Qualitative methods (Observation and in-depth interviews).The aim is to look at the concept of Visual Space Shooping center in contemporary social and cultural angles that are influenced by the lifestyles of Millennials in Indonesia. responding to space that is influenced and spoiled by digital technology, seeing the tendency of the Millennials generation to have an instant character, which is able to do several activities at the same time "multi talent". With the change in character and behavior of the people of the Millennials generation, facilities and infrastructure are needed as a place for activities in a flexible space and multi-functional "Compact" and provide a positive response view, so that it can be an attraction beyond facilities facilitated in its virtual world , because some of the existence of space is largely replaced by virtual due to technology that is growing very rapidly. Therefore behavior change and the formation of cultural character of the present generation, especially the Millennials generation as users of space can provide a separate pattern and can be a "Guide Lines" guide in determining their physical settings.

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