• Martin L Katoppo
    Martin L Katoppo
    Martin dididik dan lulus sebagai Arsitek di Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) di tahun yang sama saat terjadinya Reformasi, 1998. Ketakpastian itu membuat Martin terus menanyakan relevansi dunia Arsitektur dengan keseharian. Pada tahun 1999 hingga 2001 Martin kemudian melanjutkan S2 di Program Sejarah, Teori dan Kritik Arsitektur, ITB untuk menelisik lebih jauh Arsitektur. Menjadi lulusan terbaik di kedua jenjang pendidikan tersebut tak juga memuaskan pertanyaan Martin tentang apa itu Arsitektur dan mengapa Arsitektur harus menjadi penting. Martin kemudian berpraktik dan mengajar. Di dunia praktik, karyanya bersama sang Istri, Rumah Besi masuk final IAI Awards 2011, sedangkan di dunia akademis Martin sempat…




‘Design as Generator’ (DAG) is a specific methodology (Katoppo, dkk. 2017; Katoppo, 2017) build to answer the social impact role for design (Jones, dkk., 2005; Stickells, 2011). It brings together research, action and design, in which it combine PAR (Participatory Action Research) and its LTA (Look-Think-Act) framework (Stringer, 1999; Taggart, 2006; Berg dan Lune, 2012) with DT (Design Thinking) and its HCD (Human Centered Design) toolkit for social innovation projects (Brown, 2008; Brown dan Katz, 2009; Brown dan Wyatt, 2010; IDEO,2013) – resulted in Mixed Methods research model within the Sequential Embedded Experimental research design (Creswell and Clark, 2007; Creswell, 2008). This model will allow the researcher to investigate design along its quantitative sides (as experimental innovations) as well as its qualitative sides (as experience and appreciation of participatory endeavors) (Katoppo dan Sudradjat, 2015). The methodology will help exploring possibilities in how: (1) design becoming a champion and generating awareness, (2) generating endless creativity, and (3) generating others. The methodology is extensively use in School of Design, Pelita Harapan University many research, design and community service activities combined since 2015 until now. It aimed on collaboratively make an impact and empower communities in several kampongs in Tangerang Selatan, Jakarta and even in remote area in Kalimantan. The methodology gives a new course in design, where design should be build collaboratively and as results of community engagement that wanted to be empowered. It will make a social change and sparks innovation that promotes social justice and sustainability. Design then, will become a generator, where it will become light for others (Katoppo, 2018).

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