• Tanti Kosmiyati Kostaman
    Tanti Kosmiyati Kostaman
    Tanti is a Communication Professional specializing in media insight and data-driven communication strategy development.

Inclusive Workplace Construction in the Media: An Analysis on Online Discourse in Indonesia



The Indonesian government is still struggling in promoting inclusive workplace, as indicated by low employment rate among people with disabilities, as well as lower percentage of female participation at work compared to male participation at work. Before implementing new policies and regulation on inclusive workplace, the government needs to step back and evaluate current discourse on the issue among society, to determine challenges and possible strategies in reducing discrimination and boosting inclusion at the workplace. Media coverage and social media conversation are two relevant indicators of society discourse. Conventional media remained to be one of important outlets in promoting ideas, while social media has been a popular channel for society to discuss various issues. This study aims to examine portrayal of inclusive workplace in online conventional media and its relations to social media discourse on the issue. By using comparative media content analysis, the study analyzes the current trend of inclusive workplace discussion in online media in Indonesia. Data for this study are retrieved from two sources, Indonesian online newsportal and social media, through a media mining tool. Keywords such as “tempat kerja inklusif”, “kesempatan kerja”, “perempuan”, “difabel”, “disabilitas” and “orang berkebutuhan khusus” are used to find relevant articles or social media posts published during January-December 2018. Using media content analysis, those articles and posts are being coded into relevant frames and categories, such as theme, angle, and actor involved for further analysis. Theme and angle are categorized based on Shore’s model of inclusive organizations (2017). The data indicates that discourse on inclusive workplace in Indonesia is still focused on the prevention of exclusion stage, slightly dominated by issue about recruitment of women and disable people. Government remained to be one of the most active actors that promote inclusive workplace discussion. Results of the study can be used as the foundation of strategic communications development for inclusive workplace promotion in Indonesia.

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