• Dr. Sri Sarjana
    Dr. Sri Sarjana
    Saat ini bekerja sebagai Dosen di Politeknik Transportasi Darat - Indonesia pada program Transportasi darat. Pendidikan yang sudah ditempuh diantaranya Sarjana Teknik dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta dan Sarjana Pendidikan dari Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Magister Pendidikan telah ditempuh di Universitas Negeri Jakarta dan Doktor Manajemen Strategik Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung.




The important role of museum as an effort to preserve nation's culture has been affirmed in Republic Indonesia Law no. 11 of 2010 concerning cultural heritage which includes the protection, development and use of collections in order to promote national culture aimed at people's prosperity. Cultural preservation needs to be done so that cultural characteristics or icons of their identity can be maintained and remain sustainable (Bella, 2017). Indonesia is very rich in various types and collections of museums, but museum management system is very weak due to not being well coordinated by all stakeholders. In fact, museums can be source for studying various things based on collections presented, which can be aligned with library or resource center so that museum collections can be primary source that provides an opportunity to interpret widely, and as museum designed to provide comfort and pleasant scientific atmosphere. Museums in Indonesia totaling 416 have not met feasibility standard to accommodate historic collections (Aurelius, 2018). Museum and archaeological site management are not in accordance with their functions, and to preserve museum's cultural heritage have not been able to balance ideological, academic, ecological, economic aspects in order to improve people's welfare (Hasanah, 2016). Lack of complete collection and museum atmosphere that has not changed since beginning was built so that museum is not tourist destination (Ramandhita & Indrayana, 2012). Lack of information, less optimal communication, lack of promotion led to lack of tourist visits to museum (Laswi & Andryanto, 2018). Service quality is still big problem that is found in the context of museum services (Wibowo, 2015). Definition of museum according to government regulation no. 66 of 2015 is an institution that functions to protect, develop, utilize collections, and communicate to public, where the use of museums for educational purposes, developing talents and interests, developing creativity and innovation, and pleasure. Museum is place to store and preserve cultural heritage objects as means of education and means of information to wider community (Astutik & Soebijantoro, 2015). The Museum not only functions as institution that collects and exhibits objects related to the history of human life and environment, but is institution that has task of fostering and developing national cultural values to strengthen national personality and identity, strengthen faith and piety and increasing self-esteem and national pride (Nugroho & Mareza, 2016). Museum serves as enrichment media for education, entertainment, and tourism (Purwanggono, 2018). Promotion, service quality and tourist attraction affect the interest in revisiting museum (Nuraeni, 2014). In developed countries, museums become source of information on identity of nation that acts as reinforce of national identity, which is indicated by high interest of community to visit museums to learn and know cultural development of surrounding communities (Widati et al., 2017). Civilization of nation can be seen from its museums (Aurelius, 2018). The existence of museums is able to provide high-quality experience, is valued, and can be recommended to customers because it is very important for tourism industry (Hsieh et al., 2018). Museums as assets must adjust to display collections (Sugiantoro & Hasan, 2015). Information before using 3D virtual technology becomes monotonous information so that people become bored (Supardi et al., 2016). Augmented reality (AR) is attempt to combine digital elements with physical objects (Zainudin et al., 2016). Digitizing ancient objects can use AR technology in 3D visuals (Purnomo et al., 2015). AR as computer-based tour guide is done by modeling attractions using 3D model (Laswi & Andryanto, 2018). Virtual reality is used to visualize and interact with complex 3D environments in real time and engineering simulations to predict the results of complex industrial ventures (Santos et al., 2012). Based on previous explanation, it is deemed necessary to conduct research related to the efforts to utilize digital technology to strengthen visitor loyalty through strengthening the service quality in museum management system. The use of technology as step to encourage digital revolution for management of museums is demand of millennial to improve their usefulness and sustainability. Purpose of this research is to find out how much influence digital technology adaptation in museum management on service quality and its impact on visitor loyalty. Hope to be achieved through this research is to remind and encourage those in charge of museums managed by government and private sector that digital technology must be applied in management of current museum in order to preserve museum collections and be able to answer millennial demands especially in facilitating information knowledge regarding existing collections. This research was conducted in museums located in DKI Jakarta because this region has relatively the best and most complete infrastructure when compared to other regions in Indonesia. The study sample was conducted on 216 visitors spread across 72 museums, both managed by government and private. Selection of sample units is done by random sampling and research observations using time horizons in period from February to April 2019. This research develops quantitative methods and test data using structural equation modeling with Lisrel program. The results of this study concluded that there was an effect of adaptation of digital technology on service quality and had an impact on loyalty of museum visitors. Digital technology, involving social media, games, applications, films, drones, virtual reality, and augmented reality needs to be implemented in the management of museums in Indonesia to strengthen service quality so museum visitors have high loyalty in visiting museums so they will visit again, recommend to people other, and become member of museum. With good service quality including responsiveness, empathy, communication, products used, museum visitors will feel satisfied so that they will visit again later to get other benefits that have not been obtained during first visit. In addition, visitors will promote and inform the museum about positive value visited to others so that digital technology implemented by museum management becomes an optimal attraction.

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