East Manggararai Regency dejure defined as one of the Autonomous Regions in the Region of NTT Province through Law Number 37 Year 2006. The area of East Manggarai Regency is 2,643,41 km2 with the population until 2017 is recorded as 288,289 inhabitants. The main problems are inadequate basic social service infrastructure condition, low education level of elementary school, low health level, increasing environmental degradation and low economic level. The regional development budgets allocated through Budgets from 2009 to 2017 have not been able to bring about a change in overcoming the above key issues. In 2017, the total of budget is Rp 1 trillion and almost 95% comes from central transfer funds. One of the problems that becomes a barrier so that the results of regional development has not affected the community, especially the decline in poverty is the Regional Financial Governance that has not been right. For that one of the innovations offered as a solution is the Application of Principle 4 Exactly as Strategy and THERAPY Financial Management in the future are: 1. RIGHT PLAN, 2. APPROPRIATE BUDGET, 3. RIGHT IMPLEMENTATION, 4. RIGHT EVALUATION / ASSESSMENT. The application of the 4 (four) Right Principles is encapsulated in an Acronym "THERAPY". It is expected that the implementation of this precise 4 principle can realize the effective and efficient regional financial management in the implementation of regional development to overcome the crucial problems faced by the people..