• A Muh Hijaz Jalil
    A Muh Hijaz Jalil
    Freelance di bidang ilmu kelautan sebagai surveyor ikan karang dan pemetaan sebagai tenaga SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) dengan pengalaman selama 13 tahun diberbagai konsultan nasional dan juga international.

Selection of Strategic Island Using Accessibility Approach: Case Study of Kayangan Islands, Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan Province



As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has 17,506 islands spread over 5,193,250 km² of its territory with a total land area of only 1,919,440 km². Indonesia dominated by small islands, with 2,342 islands were populated, randomly distributed, clustered or solitaire, isolated, far from big islands, far from urban centers and so on. These conditions potentially became geographical barrier in achieving equitable development. Provisions of basic infrastructure needs in small islands will be an expensive and long-term duration investments. With the number of population that varies between islands, the development in a group of islands can be prioritized on one or several islands that can provide benefits and convenience in terms of time and cost for the population of the surrounding islands. This research was conducted at Kayangan group of Islands, Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan Province to select priority islands by considering the distance and oceanographic conditions (currents and waves) between islands within the group of Islands, using path cost distance tools from Geographic Information System (GIS) application.

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