Governance is important element for improving quality and ensuring organizational compliance to comply with applicable regulations. The government recognizes that good governance principles become important component in realizing the ideals of being credible, trustworthy and professional. Governance practices create values and cultures, help of administration and provide benefits to all stakeholders. Governance should be managed independently so that each sub-section does not dominate each other and can’t be interfered by other. Implementing governance practices is step towards improving and maximizing the value of governance management, promoting professional, transparent and efficient governance by increasing the principles of openness, accountability, trustworthiness and accountability so as to fulfill obligations well. This quantitative research empirically investigates the role of governance dimension that includes accountability, audit systems, transparency and independence. The authors conducted survey on development of dimensions for governance implemented at government institutions in Bekasi district. Analytical technique conducted to test result by using structural equation modeling. This research is expected to be used as suggestion and references for government institutions to be one of considerations in development of governance to produce professional government system and trusted by community.