Digitally-integrated regional tourism industry is expected to encourage regional economic growth. The idea of integrating regional tourism industry with digital economy emerged as a challenge for tourism development that is heavily influenced by the evolving of new media. Vacation activities in natural, cultural, social, and even culinary destinations are being discoursed and promoted through social media channels. As one of the most impactful tools for distributing information, social media becomes important to be optimizedly used by the government in the development of tourism industry today. Community's economic tourism activities today are also supported by the huge number of start-up companies, travel and hotel applications which are managed by the private sector. The opportunities offered by private parties and people's high interest for vacation trips has not been seriously undertaken by the government to make it into an integrated source of economic revenue. Socio-Digital Tourism is an idea that offers transformation of a visitor to take part in the development of tourism. Two main points to emphasize, first, the government is expected to create a social media platform/application that can be used by the travelers to participate in contributing ideas, creations, and investments in the respective tourism destination. Second, institutional integration; government, private party and local tourism management both government-based or community-based need to be aligned in creating an integrated tourism plan, such as providing support for private parties that offers destination options in areas that are specifically being developed by the region and travelers which based on the digital community.