• Jayanti
    Jayanti, aktivis Sekolah Guru Indonesia yang saat ini sedang menempuh pendidikan magister pada Program Studi Pengembangan Kurikulum di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia melalui beasiswa Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP). Jayanti aktif dalam berbagai gerakan dan komunitas pendidikan, salah satunya dengan mendirikan komunitas Kubukabuku yang berfokus dalam kampanye baca buku serta menaungi Taman Baca Masyarakat yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah Indonesia. Selain itu, saat ini Jayanti aktif dalam program pengembangan guru-guru sekolah dasar dari wilayah marginal melalui beberapa organisasi/komunitas yang diikutinya, diantaranya pengembangan guru sekolah dasar Kecamatan Ngamprah, Kabupataen Bandung Barat, guru SDI Al-Furqon Surabaya, guru MI Alkhusyu Malang, dsb.

Face The Educational Challenge Through Teacher Development Program: What Do The Teachers Need?



Indonesia education faces a big disparity of teacher quality, especially primary school teacher. There are still many primary school teachers who are not eligible to teach and most of them are from poor and district schools. The challenge of today’s Indonesia education is to promote opportunity for every primary school teachers from poor and district schools to develop their teaching performances. This challenge can be overcome through qualified teacher development program (TDP). TDP will only be effective when it answers the teacher’s need. This study aims to identify the characteristics of TDP needed by Indonesian primary school teachers. This study used qualitative research method. 34 primary school teachers from various provinces have participated in the in-depth interview. Based on the results of the study, teachers need a contextual development program which based on their local potential and need. Moreover, most teachers prefer school-based development program where every teacher in the school has equal opportunities to learn. Furthermore, they need program content that can help them to manage the class effectively and implement active learning. The findings of this study are expected to give a contribution to the development of TDP and help the TDP’s designer, managers and trainers to produce and implement a systematic, effective and sustainable TDP.

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