• Qurratul Aini
    Qurratul Aini
    1. Nama : Qurratul Aini 2. Tempat/tanggal lahir : Lombok Timur, 19 Mei 1985 3. Jenis kelamin : Perempuan 4. Status perkawinan : Menikah 5. Kebangsaan : Indonesia 6. No. Telepon : 087765710288 7. Pendidikan : 2016 - State University of New York at Buffalo (MS Economics) 2007 - Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik

How does the poverty alienation program affect the area with high poverty gap and poverty severity index



It is widely known that the development in Eastern Indonesia is left behind that of Western Indonesia. After years of implementation of development programs, the inequality between these regions is still high. Many provinces in Eastern Indonesia are still having double digit poverty rates. In addition, provinces in this region generally have higher poverty gap and poverty severity index. This condition could affect the efficacy of the government’s poverty alienation program. The poverty gap index shows how far the poor are from the poverty line, while the poverty severity index shows the varians within the poor. A generalized government program does not have significant impact on poverty. Thus, it is imperative to disaggregate the poverty alienation program into several program that customized based on the characteristics of the poor. More rigorous programs are needed in order to lift the status of those who are in the lower level of poverty.

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