• Muhammad Farhan Azis
    Muhammad Farhan Azis
    Mahasiswa Akhir Jurusan Akuntansi Universitas Brawijaya. Aktif dibeberapa organisasi mahasiswa seperti Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Universitas tahun 2019, dan saat ini menjadi Presiden Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas. Pada tahun 2019 menjadi Mahasiswa Berprestasi FEB UB dan Akuntansi Nasional oleh Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia. Menyukai perekonomian terutama soal kesenjangan sosial, korupsi serta pengelolaan keuangan negara.

Population and Food Security: Now and Later



The population increase has resulted in many additional problems that must be faced, especially famine problem. Increasing population absolutely increases the level of consumption, not comparable with the availability of food. Much of developing country has the most population increase faster than developed country . According to Thomas Robert Malthus in the Essay on the Principle of Population (1798), it was said that the population increased, according to the measuring series and food items increased according to the arithmetical series. This population increase is faster than food production which needed.

Every year for about 80 millions the birth rate are increase and added the total of population of the world which has billions of population now, most of which is 97% of third world countries. The world population is expected to increase to 8.1 trillion in 2025 and 9.6 trillion in 2050 (Would Population Report, 2015). FAO's Food Agliculture Organization (2009) predicts in 2015-2030, the food production will decline by around 1.9% each year, but is still higher compared to the population growth rate of 1.8% each year. The food problems is related with the agricultural sector, which is the primary need of mankind in the world. In fact, the agricultural sector is not passive, but as a support in the whole of economic development process. The agricultural sector must be placed in its actual position, namely as a superior element that is dynamic, and even determines in a whole of development strategy, especially in low-income developing country.

Future Agricultural Prospects

The Human Demand for Food and Fiber will be Continue to Evolve, and Consumption Structure will be Change Significantly. Expansion of the world population will continue to increase the demand for food and fiber, and almost 90% of the population increase will occur in most of developing country. According to the United Nations, the world population will increase 40% from 6.4 billion in 2005 to 9.0 billion in 2050. Population expansion will continue to increase demand for food and fiber. From a geographical perspective, from an additional 2.6 billion people, developing countries contributed more than 2.3 billion. Therefore, global growth in demand for agricultural products caused by a population explosion will be caused by population growth in developing country. Economic growth and urbanization in developing country will increase per-capita demand for food and fiber.

The International Food Policy Research Institute predicts that from 2000 to 2050, global food demand will increase by 75%, and demand for meat will double. In terms of food consumption, demand for high-value agricultural products (such as livestock, aquatic products, vegetables and fruits, etc.) will increase along with revenue growth. The International Food Policy Research Institute recently projected that by 2050, per capita livestock product consumption in South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and North Africa, East Asia and the Pacific will double in 2000-2050

Aspects of Agriculture Development Opportunities

The increase of population and income growth, demand for food and fiber will significaly increased, which will expand the demand for many agriculture producer. The role of agriculture in social development and domestic economy will expand gradually from making sure from food security and protect the enviroment externality positve, tradisional sciende and cultural heritage. The decrease of agriculture product price in last 100 years will be upside down, and agricultre product price will be increasing. The increasing of agriculture product price will help for the increasing comparative advantage. Globalisatiom of economics will be increase the efficency of utilization of agriculture resource and trade agriculutre global. For it, the development of agriculture in many countries and region based on resource and agriculture product comparative advantage. Untill 2050, so many science sector and agriculture technology have a big potential for developed. If a country and company keep on increase the investment, sciende and agriculture technology. It will be an power improvement for increase the agriculture productivity.

Application Science and Technology (S&T) in Agriculture

S&T is very important for agriculture development. Why its very important? Because it will be efficient, effective, and more safety. The method of development S&T is already applied in China. China is already have set the development for shortterm, midterm, and long term . Before we applied the S&T, there’s a few point goverment must do, are :

1. Establish policy and measure system for intensified utilization of  arable land resources and fertilization technology system for arable land quality improvement
2. Expand the water saving technological system for agricultural ecosystem and establish water resources safeguard system
3. Expand the new high-efficient fertilizer and integrate high-efficient utilization measures of nutrients and energy in agriculture ecosystem

The other problem from agriculture are the safety food. Start from free of pests, safety food, security of agricultural products. For solve the problem, government can applied the S&T, such as:

- Removing the hazards wich influence the food safety
- Reducing to use much of pesticides and residues
- Reducing hormones and veterinary drug residue and pathogen pollution
- Create the standard technology system of safe agriculture products
- Build the standard production model of planting
- Build the standard and safe (green) aquaculture production systems
- The Forecasting of pest and build of prevention and control system

Conclusion and Recommendation

One of the problem in developing country is food security. Population rate which increase is not accompanied with willingnes and endurance of food. This case must be big problem that governemt must solve as soon as posible. This case must start from changes the system of agriculture. Not only that, but also we need the inovation that support the agriculture. So the method of agriculture are S&T. This method is very efficient, effective, and safety for agriculture. If we want to create and develop the good agriculture, we need to applied the S&T.

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