• Harisa Mardiana
    Harisa Mardiana
    Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Dosen senior dan mengajar Analisis Media Sosial

The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) in e-Marketing Tourist Service with VisitTangCy Application



Our interest to send this paper about tourism is to seek the potential local tourist and international tourist to visit the region in Tangerang Kota. The effectiveness of marketing of Tangerang Kota will have a strong significant contribution to marketing by e-Marketing so that Tangerang Kota is the best place to visit in Indonesia. e-Word of Mouth (e-WOM) is probably the one that the authors chose for e-marketing. Decision making from tourists to choose Tangerang Kota to visit depend on the e-marketing. The extent to which WOM influences the tourists in selecting their place to visit depends on the amount of trust they might have in the source of WOM and how experienced said the source is with the place that they are recommending. This research article is using a quantitative method and the object of the study was 125 people around the world that we took by Monkey Survey for 4 months. Data collection was done by conducting observation, questionnaires and interviews and website application called VisitTangCy Application program. The result showed that using VisitTangCy Application program makes it simple and easier for the tourists to post their comments and give the recommend and share their experience with others. Furthermore, the results showed that there is a strong significant influence of electronic Word of Mouth Tourist service based on a website on the VisitTangcy application program

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