This paper on general describes the issue of regional development disparity faced on the eastern part of Indonesia. The focus of this paper is Pulau Morotai Regency, located in the North Maluku province. This paper will analyse the roles and interconnection of spatial planning documents on the economic development in Morotai. The analysis is built on various policy document studies, including spatial planning documents, government publications, journal articles, and working papers. Based on the National Spatial Plan (Government Regulation Number 13 Year 2017), Morotai is being appointed as one of the growth centres in Eastern Indonesia. On a spatial planning basis, this signify the importance of Morotai in the attempt of escalating the economic development in the 20year time. The National Spatial Plan document also serves as a multi tools for the central agencies and stakeholders to look upon when foreseeing the regional development of an area. Moreover, the document is also being supported by the high economic potential of Morotai, specifically in Fisheries. However, this potential needs to be managed both by the local government and the central government in order to improve the regional economic rate. This paper, therefore, explores the collaborative planning approach of integrating not only between spatial plan documents and economic development policies, but also on how all stakeholders plays their respective roles to establish Morotai as a growth centre in Indonesia.