• Muhammad Pramulya
    Muhammad Pramulya
    Saya menempuh pendidikan S1 di Program Studi Agronomi, Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura dari tahun 1999 dan lulus pada bulan juni 2004. Pada September 2007, saya melanjutkan pendidikan S2 di Program Studi Ilmu Tanah, bidang minat Perencanaan Wilayah, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor dan lulus bulan September 2011. Bidang minat saya adalah Perencanaan Wilayah berbasis GIS dan Remote Sensing. Sejak berada di UNTAN saya mulai belajar gambut dan kegiatan-kegiatan penelitian mengarah pada hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pemetaan dan analisis stok karbon dan emisi karbon di lahan gambut dengan pendekatan pemodelan dan simulasi. Tahun 2015 kami melakukan penelitian dinamika stok…

Monitoring water access for water supply infrastructure planning in Pontianak City



The service system of clean water network in Pontianak provided by state water company (PDAM Tirta Jaya) in average has high coverage across the city. Yet, some parts of the community are still left behind and requires a serious attention. This study aims to reveal which part of the community received the least service, their current coping mechanism and identify the potential solutions that PDAM or local community might be able to execute at an efficient level of cost. We utilize various data set related to water, PDAM customer database, socio-economic background and spatial related information. Based on those, we identify that majority of low income households in sub-district Pontianak Utara do not have formal access for water provision by PDAM. Our finding on the behavior of non-piped water households confirms that these are the most vulnerable community and we propose an alternative solution by expanding the water supply network by building a water bank by utilizing the potential of rainwater and runoff especially access in the northern area of Pontianak City

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