Pengembangan Sheltered Workshop Penyandang Disabilitas Ke Arah Bisnis Inklusif
Eva Rahmi Kasim
Personal Identity:
N a m e: Eva Rahmi Kasim
Sex: Female
Date of Birth : 23 July
Disability: Physically disable since 1979 (use wheel chair for long distance walk more than 100 Metres, and walk with the aids of crutches for short distance)
Nationality: Indonesia
Occupation: : Senior Policy Analyst of Government Official of Ministry Social Affairs
Work Address: !. Jl. Salemba Raya No.28 Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Home Address: Komp. Depsos, Jl. XI/14, Bintaro Jakarta 12330 Indonesia
Tel (work): +62 21 3100 309 , /fax + 62 21 3100 309
Mobile : +62 821 1407…
Pengembangan Sheltered Workshop Penyandang Disabilitas Ke Arah Bisnis Inklusif