• Djati Wibowo
    Djati Wibowo
    Djati Wibowo obtained his bachelor and master's degree at Insitut Teknologi Bandung on June 2007 and Nanyang Technological University on March 2010 respectively, both in Mechanical Engineering. His expertise are on Dynamics and Control System Theory, Vehicle Dynamics and Engineering Mechanics. He is currently a Technology Development Staff at Novel Teknologi Universal.

On Variable Apparent Power For The Off-Grid Community



Electricity is the energy needed in this modern times. People in remote areas are beginning to enjoy electricity thanks to the technology advancement in the small-sized power generation system, suited to be distributed in remote areas (distributed power generation system). Due to its small-size, there is a limitation in the power that can be generated by the distributed power generation system. In the other hand, to promote the productivity of the remote areas, industry must be able to survive and one of the main component needed in the industry is reliable electricity supply. With the increasing number of population, the challenge in electrification of the remote areas is the power consumption management due to the limited power that can be delivered by the power station in the remote areas. This paper aims to introduce a buy-sell scheme in the off-grid community in remote areas. Household in the off-grid community are given a chance to sell the electricity that they have purchased from PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) to the industry in the nearby areas. While household are getting some kind of additional income by selling the electricity, PLN and the power station do not need to increase its capacity significantly, resulting in a more reliable electricity supply. Technically, household's apparent power becomes a variable that can be changed when the buy-sell scheme is in operation. To promote fairness in the community, a standard consensus algorithm will be adopted in the buy-sell scheme.

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