• Adelita Asthasari Siregar
    Adelita Asthasari Siregar

Population Administration: How Regional Government Innovations Improve Vital Event Reporting and Legal Document Ownership



Population data plays crucial part for national development planning. Being one of most populated countries in the world, the system in Indonesia is not yet at the desirable stage. Population data in Indonesia is obtained through 3 (three) main processes: survey and census, conducted by Statistical Bureau (Badan Pusat Statistik) and population administration (administrasi kependudukan), conducted by Ministry of Home Affairs (Kementerian Dalam Negeri). This research is mainly focusing the discussion on data obtained through population administration, hence completing the data through vital events (peristiwa kependudukan) reporting in regional level. As the Acts Number 24/2013 about Population Registration mandates population data obtained through population administration to be used in national development planning process. Regional government, to support central government policy, has done numerous efforts proven to be effectively increase numbers of reporting and document issuance, which freely perceived as innovation. Innovations include better integration system and mechanism between local government institution, outreach service provision (mobile service unit), to financial and non-financial incentive. Qualitative research was conducted in several cities and regencies through focus group discussion and in-depth interview with representative of local government, as well as secondary data research through literature review. This research was able to grouped innovations in population registration into three main categories: Access Reachability, Cost Reduction, and Benefit Enhancement, in which each of group is supporting the other. Governments with more innovative approach are seems to have better participation on registration and completion of population data. (AS)

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