The border's social phenomenon is an interesting issue in the development planning process and its implementation. For example, Belu Regency, in NTT, border with Timor Leste. From the source of the National Unity and Political Entity agency in NTT( July 2017) stated that the economic problem and the lack of infrastructure development in the border region became the potential threat of integrity of Indonesia. Then the emerging social problems are the increasing crime rates on the border of NTT-Timor Leste, smuggling of groceries/ fuel oil, narcotics crime have been caused by economic problem, low quality of human resources and inadequate infrastructure to support local economic activity. This paper examines the roles of leading government agencies in border development programs; Ministry of Social Affair, Village Ministry and Development of Disadvantaged Areas (PDT) and Transmigration and the National Border Management Agency (Minister of Home Affairs) .This paper provide recommendations on of the works of three government institutions should be in the community welfare and border development as mandated by Law No. 17/2007 on RPJPN 2005-2025;Law No. 43/008 on the Territory of the State, Law No. 23 /2014 on Regional Government, Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2010 on National Border Management Agency, Regulation of Border Management National Agency No. 1/2011 on the Great Design of State and Boundary Area Management in 2011- 2025. This paper provides input on the importance of basic social services aspects of border area .